I talk and teach a lot about personality profiles; goal setting, action steps; and, social media strategies. But my focus is always first, that I am a believer in Jesus and second, that I am living out His calling in my life. Where are you? Are you living out His purpose for your life? Are […]
Spiritual Life
Personality and Attraction
Are you one of those people who makes friends easily? Do you have the type of personality that attracts others and they just want to be around you? Lucky. More than your personality, it is the way you make people feel when they are around you and how you treat them. You may think that […]
Find your Spiritual Path
Answer the following yes or no. Does your prayer life seem to be stuck? Are you frustrated by what subject/topic you should study from the Bible? Is your Bible study method not growing your faith? Has worship at church just become routine for you? Have you convinced yourself that Christian service is only done through […]
Know YOU and relate to others better
When was the last time you were with someone who seemed to have the ability figure everyone out? They could articulate the reasons someone was acting a certain way or said a certain thing because they ‘know the type’. Is that annoying to you or is it a skill you wish you had? I’m not […]
Eight weeks, 40 business days. Let’s plan.
Do you want to be more organized? Are you looking for ways to accomplish more? Is there a goal that you want achieve? This 8-8-8 Method is for you. Eight goal areas-Eight weeks planning-Eight activities a day. Sound like you want to know more? Forty is a perfect number, right? What can be done in […]