I remember the day in college a very thoughtful girl told me I was a pretender. She went on to say that I seemed like I had everything together and was sure of myself, but that it was a lie. She called me a fake and said I could not possibly be what I portrayed. […]
personality profile
How To Go From Employee To Entrepreneur
Are you tired of your job and feeling frustrated not knowing how to transition from employee to entrepreneur? Do you want your work to have more meaning? These feelings are repeated time and again by my clients. Some are starting something new, some are moving into bigger responsibilities, and some, like you, are thinking about […]
Everything God makes is GOOD
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 You are His masterpiece. Let that sink in . . . everything God makes is good. When you understand that God created you unique and then learn […]
Three Ways Your Personality SERVES Your Business
By Design God designed your personality so you stand out in your business. What is one thing about you that you know it is ALL you? Own it and use it to show YOU. In my business it is my LOVE for learning new things and then teaching it to others in a way they […]
How God Uses YOUR Equipping
Equipping Deborah Deborah was a judge and prophetess in her time. God had equipped her to do a special job. She was a political leader as well as a spiritual leader in Israel. I imagine there were great stories told about her around the tables of the women at that time and to future generations. […]