Strategy, innovation, and adaptability are vital in the ever-evolving business landscape. While traditional strategy often dominates discussions, there exists a realm where unconventional approaches thrive: the Christian Business Community. Beyond mere profit margins, this community seeks to integrate faith into every aspect of entrepreneurship, resulting in dynamic strategies that break barriers and redefine success. We’ll […]
business relationships
Relationships for Your Business Success
Are you one of those people who makes friends and builds relationships quickly? Do you have a personality that attracts others, and they just want to be around you? More than your personality, it is how you make people feel when they are around you and how you treat them. You may think you are […]
Build Personal Relationships that Matter
Personal relationships are what matter for your business. Your customers & clients, colleagues & vendors, business & referral partners are attracted to you not just for what they can get from you but for who you are. God’s design for your Calling is one only you can do. And, He will bring those people into […]
Personality and Attraction
Are you one of those people who makes friends easily? Do you have the type of personality that attracts others and they just want to be around you? Lucky. More than your personality, it is the way you make people feel when they are around you and how you treat them. You may think that […]