God wants more for you. He has PROVIDEd so many things so you will succeed in your business calling. Do you believe that? Do you want more too? In today’s post, we’ll go through the acronym P.R.O.V.I.D.E to explain how God wants you to serve Him through your work. And how He will PROVIDE for […]
How to Create a Word for Your Year
“With a clear vision you will live on purpose and in your purpose.” -DeneenTB I have chosen a word for the year for the last several AND it has made a huge difference in how I show up in my business and my life. Having a word gives me focus in a way that is real […]
Everything God makes is GOOD
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 You are His masterpiece. Let that sink in . . . everything God makes is good. When you understand that God created you unique and then learn […]
When there is no more to offer
A while back I felt like I had nothing more to offer. I was going in so many directions, following so many ‘experts’ and trying to do it all to make my business grow. I thought I was doing it right. I thought this was what God wanted. Then I crashed. The very thing I […]
Build Personal Relationships that Matter
Personal relationships are what matter for your business. Your customers & clients, colleagues & vendors, business & referral partners are attracted to you not just for what they can get from you but for who you are. God’s design for your Calling is one only you can do. And, He will bring those people into […]