Are you one of those people who makes friends easily? Do you have the type of personality that attracts others and they just want to be around you? Lucky.
More than your personality, it is the way you make people feel when they are around you and how you treat them. You may think that you are not the ‘lucky’ person that others are not attracted to, but you would be wrong. You are the only ‘you’ that has ever existed and you bring a unique quality to the lives of those around you.
In your business this includes developing relationships. Your customers & clients, colleagues & vendors, business & referral partners are attracted to you not just for what they can get from you but for who you are. Don’t discount your gift. God designed you for the job (purpose) that only you can do. And, He will bring those people into your life that will help propel you forward while allowing you to share your gift with them.
One of the principles I have discovered is that- I serve God and others by developing relationships in the marketplace. We each know that business, especially small business, is all about relationships. Have you ever thought about it as being as way to serve God? Exciting, right? Let’s explore this thought a little.
First, we need to develop relationships with like-minded people. We see this example in the Bible with Priscilla. Do you remember her? She and her husband, Aquila, were friends and business partners with Paul. They had a relationship that equipped them to live out their purpose, to tell others about Jesus, as they worked in their profession of tent making. Their relationship encouraged and supported one another as they grew the early church.
Do you have a like-minded group or partner? In today’s world we call this accountability partners. I have found it very beneficial to seek out and work with partners. Right now I have a great partner. And, our personalities are so different. For me it is important to have someone who can point out things I can’t see in myself. If I had someone just like me I would miss out on the richness of the relationship. I truly believe God has placed her in my life to help me with my blind spots when it comes to relationships.
Who has God place in your life that could potentially be your accountability partner? Ask yourself some of these questions to find the best fit: Do they understand my business? Is their personality different enough so they have a different point of view? Are they not afraid to ask me the tough questions that will challenge me to do better? Will I be able to accept their input without beating myself up? You have to trust the person you decide to work with, that is for sure.
Second, we need to develop relationships that allow us to share our expertise. This is the mentor relationship. Yes, you have something to give to someone else. Again, we see this with Priscilla. She is introduced to Timothy, a young man who becomes a dynamic leader in the early church. Through her and her husband’s guidance many new leaders emerge. They were the power couple that fueled the early church movement.
In business, this mentor relationship is not new. No matter your personality you can find others who respect you and could use your guidance. Treat others in a way that makes you attractive. Show up each day by giving your best, having a great attitude, and showing kindness to others. How are you showing up in your day to day? Make it count for something.
Just like having an accountability partner is challenging, so is the mentoring relationship. It connects you in a way that brings out your own best qualities and improves you. Who can you mentor? Ask yourself these questions: Who could I encourage and support both personally or professionally? Who could I be committed to in this type of relationship? What expertise and experience can I offer that this person needs? How can I be a role model for this person?
We are all called to a different purpose. Maybe yours is to be a mentor, I don’t know. What I do know is that both types of relationships are ways to share Christ in your marketplace. That IS your purpose. So, have the personality, be so attractive, that others ask about what makes you different. Then you can share the hope of Christ that is inside of you.
Be filled to overflowing,
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