Apply my Clarity Book to your business and life for God-centered focus and clarity.

CLARIFY: 12 Principles to Illuminate Your Calling to the Marketplace
God designed you to work. He created you for this time in history to fulfill His plan. You are part of HIStory. Only you can bring to the world the unique set of skills, talents, gifts, and experiences that make up you.
Clarify Your Calling with the Clarity Book
The Clarity Book covers eleven biblical women who placed their trust in God to be exactly who He called them to be. Each woman illustrates a principle you can apply to your business and entrepreneurial endeavors to make it God-centered and serve others.
We are called to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love others as ourselves. These women will teach you how they applied these verses to their lives through their work. You will answer questions, pray, create goals, and outline action steps to apply each principle to your own business.
Clarify your calling with the Clarity Book by following their examples, and create the business and life God made you for in the marketplace. Show others Christ by being whole, holy, and authentic in your work.
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