It seems that doing anything in your business takes time. Whether creating social media content, writing a blog, creating a video, or doing ‘the books,’ it all takes time. Success in business takes a lot of work! And it takes dedication to what is essential to you. I am committed to being in this space, […]
Bible Study
You’re a Woman God can use
You are a woman God can use for His purposes. No matter what your background, educational status, or experiences- God wants to use you to make an impact for Him. How can I say this so boldly? By looking at the women God used to fulfill some of the prophesies about Jesus. Do you know […]
You Are Made To Lead
Leading Daily Each day there are many decisions you must make that create success for your business and family. No matter if you are leading one or 100 you display confidence, you inspire, and you focus on the task at hand. God will give you what you need to succeed just as He did for […]
Building YOUR Reputation
Building Takes Time Statistics say it takes ten years of focused study to become an expert in any field and building a reputation can take just as long. That is not meant to discourage you, it is meant to encourage you to keep going. God only requires that we take the next step, trust Him, […]
Not Failure, a Lesson Learned
I closed the GFYO Business and Educational Center in November of last year. It was an 18-month lesson in trusting God. When I began, I knew for certain it was what God wanted for me. I had been meeting with my Women’s Networking Group in different locations for a while and felt His leading to […]