I remember the day in college a very thoughtful girl told me I was a pretender. She went on to say that I seemed like I had everything together and was sure of myself, but that it was a lie. She called me a fake and said I could not possibly be what I portrayed. […]
Discover Your Superpower And Design The Business Perfect For You
I’ll bet you don’t know your own power. God designed you with a superpower. A superpower you can use to create the perfect business for you. Unquestionably, God broke the mold when He made you. It is true. As a result, you were created to fulfill a specific part of His Story, so He equipped […]
Know YOU and relate to others better
When was the last time you were with someone who seemed to have the ability figure everyone out? They could articulate the reasons someone was acting a certain way or said a certain thing because they ‘know the type’. Is that annoying to you or is it a skill you wish you had? I’m not […]