“The secret to success can be found in people’s daily agendas. If they do something intentional to grow every day, they move closer to reaching their potential. If they don’t, their potential slowly slips away over the course of their lifetime.” This quote from John Maxwell is true not only in Business but also in […]
Spiritual Life
Serving others IS serving God
Do you think that Serving God is only for when you are at church? Does volunteering on Sunday mornings, going to outreach projects, and bringing in Christmas boxes the only thing that is really Serving God? As a Business person you have opportunities ALL THE TIME to Serve others. Let’s start with your attitude at […]
10 x 10 Challenge! 10 minutes/10 days.
Sometimes the simplest things just come to you. That’s what has happened today. Grow From Your Overflow is about teaching you to cultivate practices that will GROW your Faith-life. What better way for me to help you do that than by giving you activities designed to GROW you in your relationship with God. By filling […]
Spiritual Growth takes a commitment to work. . .
You may be thinking, I have been a believer in Christ for a while now but I don’t really feel any closer to God than when I first made that commitment. You know that growing spiritually is a thing, but maybe you thought it would just happen to you as you become more involved in […]