It seems that doing anything in your business takes time. Whether creating social media content, writing a blog, creating a video, or doing ‘the books,’ it all takes time. Success in business takes a lot of work! And it takes dedication to what is essential to you. I am committed to being in this space, […]
Personalized Faith Plan
Change your life by Changing your mind
Have you ever heard something that so resonated with you, you just had to share? That’s what happened to me! I want to chat about Changing your life by Changing your mind. This post is inspired by another brilliant woman I heard speak this past weekend, Bex Rowlands. I love how God brings things in […]
Practice Sabbath
Sabbath is one of my favorite Spiritual Practices. It gives me 24-hours to relax, refresh, and remain connected to the Father. Do you trust God enough to take a Sabbath each week? That was the question I needed to ask myself AND I needed God to show me that I could. Sabbath Begins My Sabbath […]
Prayer, What does it mean to you when you hear the word? Do you see yourself kneeling in church, lifting your arms toward the sky, or holding hands in a group? What does it mean to Pray without ceasing? How can Prayer help your life and your business? PRAYER is- Purposeful. Research shows that prayer […]
Feeling Empty? Get to Work.
Empty? After a day of kids, carpools, laundry, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, marketing, phone calls, meetings, networking, and clients you can feel a little empty. Let’s face it, a lot of empty. And, I forgot to mention your self-care that includes exercise, eating well, and spiritual renewal (aka, time with God). Are you there? Do […]