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Escape Indecision,
Serve Your Ideal Clients, and
Build a Business Aligned
with God’s Design of You!
Learn more about the
Calling Clarity Course
Take the quiz!
Who is your Biblical businesswoman Mentor?
Yes, women in the Bible had careers!

Learn how you identify with a specific businesswoman from the Bible. From her example you will:
Grow in faith.Get direction and focus.
Make an impact in your business and life.
You'll receive a free one-page resource about your mentor and how she can help you move forward with
clarity and vision
in your faith and business.
Take the quiz!
Truth & Business Show on YouTube
I invite you to learn more about me and my workby watching my Truth and Business Show on YouTube.
Watch on YouTube

The Calling Clarity Course
✔ Discover what God is truly calling you to do next in your business without waiting for some type of supernatural sign.
✔ Build genuine relationships with real potential clients who are excited about your offer and buying without even having to finish creating it.
✔ Understand God’s design of you and how He has equipped you for your perfect business without spending more time, energy, (and money) on things that are not working.
God created you YOUnique!
There is no one like you and there never will be.God created you just for this time in history to live out His calling for your life.
Now is the time to move forward and make choices
that follow adventure God has planned for YOU.
Connect to God's Power
Experience a deeper connection to God when you learn to have a more intimate relationship with Him.
understand your purpose
Experience clarity around how God designed you to live out His calling on your life.
focus on your plan
Experience peace when you prioritize and focus on creating habits that free you from busyness.
CLARIFY: 12 Principles to Illuminate Your Calling to the Marketplace

My book describes eleven biblical women who placed their trust in God to be exactly who He called them to be.
Each woman illustrates a principle you can apply to your business and entrepreneurial endeavors to make them God-centered and serve others.