Do you want to be more organized? Are you looking for ways to accomplish more? Is there a goal that you want achieve? This 8-8-8 Method is for you. Eight goal areas-Eight weeks planning-Eight activities a day. Sound like you want to know more?
Forty is a perfect number, right? What can be done in 40 days? Well, Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days to prepare for his ministry. It rained for 40 days to cleanse the earth. Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days so they could be saved from destruction. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days to receive the Law. And, Jesus appeared to many during the 40 days after his resurrection. Whew! That seems like a lot.
We have already discussed what the eight goal areas are: Financial, Business, Personal, Relationship, Contribution, Faith, Health, and Fun. We have also chatted about the SMART way to write each goal. I can’t reiterate enough how to make your goals small enough so they can be accomplished in the 8-weeks. It is not about taking leaps and bounds, it is about taking the next logical step, no matter how small. They really do all add up.
So, what does planning out every eight weeks look like? Choose three main things to finish each week that will bring you closer to completing the goal. You will not work on all eight areas every week. There must be a rotation. However, there are goals that become habits and they are just part of your day.
Let’s look at an example from my life. (You love that, right?)
First, I do have goals that are ongoing and have become habits. My health goal is an example of this. I wanted to get off of my blood pressure meds so I went to a nutritionist, started eating correctly, and lost weight. I put things into place to continue this goal so now it is just part of what I do every day with my diet and exercise program.
BUT, for this 8-weeks I am in right now I have a Fun Goal of taking a vacation. I planned it for next week, I will be visiting family in South America, and I get to see my sister-in-law from Italy while I am there. Sometimes our Goals can reflect what is already in our schedule. That works too.
The point is to look ahead at your schedule. See what is planned and begin to craft your Goals from there. Rotate out your three main activities each week so you are working on all the goals at some point over the eight weeks. Is this making sense? I think the biggest challenge is to think about your goals in small increments. And, don’t forget to celebrate when you actually work your plan.
I love this bi-monthly approach! If something happens, there is time to adjust and take it into account. If you must focus on one thing until it if finished, you have a way of refocusing quickly and catching up in other areas.
What do you want to get done? How can you break it down into small steps that will show you that you are making progress? When will you get started? Your eight weeks, your next 40-days, starts now.
Be filled to overflowing,
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