Knowing what God says about YOU is the first step to understanding yourself better and knowing how God wants you to serve Him through your business. The last seven years have had many twists and turns as God has led me into the space I am in now. It is exciting to be on this […]
Personalized Faith Plan
Fill up, Overflow, & Grow
Imagine with me a three-tiered fountain. The top of the fountain has the smallest cup. This is where you can see the water bubble up through as if fills the cup. Next, the water begins to overflow into the next cup. This one is larger and takes more time to fill up as it gets […]
Find Your Sweet Spot
I talk and teach a lot about personality profiles; goal setting, action steps; and, social media strategies. But my focus is always first, that I am a believer in Jesus and second, that I am living out His calling in my life. Where are you? Are you living out His purpose for your life? Are […]
What motivates you to work well with others?
I am fascinated with personality profiles as most of you know. In my Personalized Faith Plan I use the Myers-Briggs, Multiple Intelligences, the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, Beaver Animal Questions, and more. I discovered the DiSC a couple of years ago and couldn’t be happier. The reason I like this one so much is that […]
Find your Spiritual Path
Answer the following yes or no. Does your prayer life seem to be stuck? Are you frustrated by what subject/topic you should study from the Bible? Is your Bible study method not growing your faith? Has worship at church just become routine for you? Have you convinced yourself that Christian service is only done through […]