Equipping Deborah
Deborah was a judge and prophetess in her time. God had equipped her to do a special job. She was a political leader as well as a spiritual leader in Israel. I imagine there were great stories told about her around the tables of the women at that time and to future generations. Her sphere of influence was great.
She probably didn’t see herself that way. She was focused on what God had placed in front of her to do. So, when she gave the commander of the army the instructions she received from the Lord about how to defeat the oppressive army in their kingdom, she was working in her equipping from God.
However, when Barak, the commander, refused to fight without her leading the troops, she had a decision to make. Would she ignore God’s call to fight or would she become the commander-in-chief of the nation? She may have felt she did not have the skills to lead the army, she may have thought it was not her place. BUT GOD. . .
Though it was something out of her ‘comfort zone’, it was not outside of her skill set. There is a difference. Her trust in God gave her the confidence to move forward and lead the army. Her equipping had prepared her for this leadership role. Her faith in God allowed her to take that step of obedience.
Equipping You
You too are equipped with some amazing qualities. God has given you your personality, talents, values, expertise, spiritual gifts, strengths, and experiences so you can do the work He has for you. Your job is to understand how all this works together to live out the Calling He has for your life. It is exciting to think, you are the ONLY one like you that will EVER exist. And, His work for you is part of HIStory.
By knowing yourself better, you can better utilize the equipping you were given and shine in new ways. God is not the God of Sunday, nursery duty, volunteer outreach activities, or Bible study attendance. He doesn’t Call us to ‘fit Him in’ to our lives, He Calls us to ‘put Him in’ to our lives. To create a seamless life with Him front and center.
When He is first you can then access His power. His power to help you live out your Calling. When you know HOW He has equipped you, you can then focus on what is truly important for your sphere of influence. God wants that for you.
Equipping to SERVE
So, what is the Vision He has given you? How does He want you to move forward? Yes, it may be out of your ‘comfort zone’ BUT GOD. . .
He has brought you to the place you are right now with clients, customers, business partners, vendors and such. Now He is asking you to STAND OUT as the woman of God you were created to be. He wants you to understand HOW He has created you so you can show up whole, holy, and authentic in your marketplace.
Connect with me to find out more about the Calling Clarity Course designed to move your business to the next level.
Hmm what has God empowered me with. The ability to communicate with honesty. To lead by example and help others. The ability to run a successful commercial business. The ability to take a risk and quit the corporate world? Interesting to think about
Love this. Glad it made you think. 🙂
I believe God has created me for women’s voices. To lead and guide woman through fear and confidence to speak and deliver their messages. It is how this world will change.
Agreed. We need to stand up and do our part to change the world. That is our work. 🙂
I am hopeful that the right people will find you and that which they need. I too hope that you will be filled to overflowing.
Thank you for those words.