By Design
God designed your personality so you stand out in your business. What is one thing about you that you know it is ALL you? Own it and use it to show YOU.
In my business it is my LOVE for learning new things and then teaching it to others in a way they can understand. I am especially fascinated with brain research, learning styles, and business strategies. It sets me apart in my coaching by creating personalized plans to meet each client’s needs.
How can your personality help you stand out in your business?
By Learning
Knowing your UVP (unique value PERSONALITY) attracts your ideal clients to you. What have your learned about yourself through assessments? Use these tests to get insights about how you function and lead in your business.
When I use my Command Strength to take charge of an event. I watch my tribe relax and become the participants instead of having to be ‘on’. It is FUN to watch these leaders take a break. They trust me to bring refreshing and refocusing to their businesses.
What part of your personality do you think attracts your clients?
By Acting
Don’t copy others. Show YOU all the time. Be your wacky, corny, serious, energetic self. How would others describe you to someone you just met? Showing up as your whole self is the way to be authentic so they know the real you. Never bring just part of you to the party.
Being who you are takes courage. Every day when I go out into the marketplace I prepare myself before by meeting with God (my CEO) and making sure I am aligning with Him. I can only be successful being ME by continually connecting with Him. This gives me courage to be ME.
What ONE thing can you do today to be more YOU?
By design, God created your personality so you can serve others uniquely. By learning, you can get to know specifically how He created you special and work within those qualities to attract those you were meant to serve. By acting, you can show up doing the things He has called you to do with courage because you know Whose you are and who you are called to serve.
Be filled to overflowing,
P.S. Looking to know yourself better? Start with the Leadership Quiz.
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