Entrepreneurship often involves navigating uncharted waters, making strategic decisions, and leading teams towards shared goals. For you and I who seek to align our business practices with Biblical principles, there are timeless guidelines to consider. By embracing risk-taking, excellence, honesty, and humility, we can build businesses that are not only successful but also grounded in […]
Christian Businesswomen and Entrepreneurs
What Does It Mean To Be a Faith-driven Entrepreneur?
Being a faith-driven entrepreneur is about more than just managing a business. It’s about integrating your spiritual values with your entrepreneurial endeavors. These values guide your decisions, shape your goals, and influence your interactions. This faith-based approach to business emphasizes not just profit but the impact each decision you make has on your followers, clients, […]
Being Known For What You Do By Niching Down In A Specific Way
What problem does your business solve? Who do you solve it for? These are the basic questions any business needs to know—one solution for one person. But that’s not what I see as I work with my clients. As Christian women, we want to help all people. However, being known for what you do only […]
How To Find A Supportive Community Where Members Collaborate
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Romans 12:10 NLT As humans, we are wired for community, for belonging. But unfortunately, in our modern world, we have created forced communities that give the illusion of sharing life. You can still feel alone even with all these places to ‘show up,’ […]
How To Succeed as a Christian Entrepreneur Through Community
The last 13 years of my entrepreneurial adventure have taken me in many directions. From the start, belonging to the right community could have saved me time, money, and trial and error. It would have given me the tools I needed to succeed as a Christian Entrepreneur all in one place. I know, a bold […]