A while back I felt like I had nothing more to offer. I was going in so many directions, following so many ‘experts’ and trying to do it all to make my business grow. I thought I was doing it right. I thought this was what God wanted. Then I crashed. The very thing I thought I was to be doing was taken away from me. It was hard.
I decided to rest for a while and regroup. During that time, I felt empty. I didn’t know how to pick up and start again. In this rest-time I also discovered God in a new way and He taught me to put everything before Him, allow Him to fill me, and wait. Waiting is hard for me.
It took about six months and I must say it was worth the wait. As I have given God each of my ideas, my programs, my personality, my gifts, my. . . well, everything, I have seen tremendous growth in my life and business.
How about you? After a day of kids, carpools, laundry, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, marketing, phone calls, meetings, networking, and clients you can feel like you are going in many directions. And, you can feel a little empty. Let’s face it, a lot of empty. I forgot to mention your self-care that includes exercise, eating well, and spiritual renewal (aka, time with God). Are you there? Do you feel that drain as you read the list? I feel the drain just writing it.
It was like that for the Widow in Debt. Do you remember her (2 Kings 4)? She had run out of everything and now her sons were in danger of being taken from her. She was at the end of what she felt she could physically do. But what she did have was. . . a little oil.
You might feel empty, but I bet you have a little oil.
God wants us to trust Him with the little things. He builds our faith on what we hold out to Him. You may feel you have nothing to offer, but you do. Think about those tasks that come easily to you. Give it to God for His use. He will pour it out and bless it.
For the Widow, healing came from acting. She is given a project to do so she is focused on what she has, the little oil, and not on what she does not have. She displayed her complete trust in God by getting to work.
God asks you to offer what you have so He can use it (Rom 12:1). He asks you to start with the small things in your life- your schedule, attitudes, and relationship with Him. Then He expects you to look at the bigger things in your life and hold them out too. What qualities has God equipped you with for your business that you need to hold out to Him so He can bless?
Start offering the oil so you can pour it out on all that God has for you.
P.S. Schedule a FREE Clarity Session. I would LOVE to discover how you can use your ‘little oil’ to do MORE for God.
I needed to read this today…Thank you!
Susan, Glad it has given you what you needed. You are an amazing woman and I know God is using you in the lives of those in your sphere of influence. You are a leader. Keep up the great work. 🙂