Your business is your Christian ministry. Where God has placed you in your profession is your Christian ministry. How you show up at work every day is your Christian ministry.
You may not be ‘vocationally’ called to the work of pastor, spiritual teacher, or church director but you are called to use your Spiritual Gifts to serve others in your vocation. Your work for God is as important as those who are paid staff at your place of worship. You have a responsibility to make God known in your day to day activities.
Is this a new way of thinking for you? Let’s explore HOW you can serve others in your work by knowing your Spiritual Gifts.
Have you taken an inventory or assessment before to pinpoint your Spiritual Gifts? There are some variations but for this writing I am going to stick with the ones listed in the book- Marketplace Christian by Darren Shearer. His view on the Gifts relate directly to your WORK.
Intercessory Prayer
Miracle- Working & Healing
Tongues & Interpretation
I have highlighted in purple my top three. From this list my top three don’t seem to be too ‘Spiritual’. But, as I look at how they are laid out in Darren’s book I start to see the true significance of having these three Gifts and how I am equipped to do the business God has given me to do.
Let’s start with Administration. I create order out of chaos. I am able to organize ideas, resources, time and people to make things productive and achieve goals. I do this with my Christian Women’s Network Group. We not only network each month but we mastermind so that women walk away with new ideas for their business. AND, my meetings are always on time.
Next, is my Knowledge Gift. This is why I am such a ferocious learner. I continually read, listen, and attend to learning new things that will help me accomplish my goals. I LOVE new books where I can learn techniques I can use in my business. I am constantly learning new ways to improve myself and my business. Whatever I am passionate about I throw myself into and learn all I can. This includes listening to Podcasts, books on CD in my car, and watching Documentaries.
Lastly, I will talk about Teaching. It goes along with my Knowledge Gift because whatever I learn I try to teach others in a way they can receive it and use it for themselves. I want others to be able to apply the principles they need to grow in their business. I like being seen as a resource to others for new and innovative ideas. My business thrives because I coach women how to strategically grow their businesses.
Do my Gifts seem ‘less Spiritual’ than say. . . Wisdom, Pastoring, or Faith? They are not. God has created each of us to fulfill a specific place in His Kingdom. We each have been infused by God with these Gifts just when we need them. Yes, some are very close to our expertise and other talents YET God has given them to us for completing the picture of His Church.
What is so great about Spiritual Gifts is that they can change if God needs you to do something. This happened to me during a time when I was leading a large drama group. The assessment revealed Leadership for the first and only time. I know my friend has Faith in her assessment right now because of the physical difficulties she experiencing. God gives us just what we need WHEN we need it.
The Calling Clarity Course explores this thoroughly. Understanding how God created you UNIQUE to live out your Business Vision and Purpose is what I want for you. God has equipped you; and, the Course helps you discover HOW. For more information and to get on the list for the next opening of the Calling Clarity Course please contact me.
AND, it doesn’t matter if you have ONE or SIX, God uses what He gives you and blesses it. You are responsible to do your best with what God has given you, no more, no less. Meet with your CEO and ask Him to give you the Spiritual Gifts that will make the difference in your business. If you know your Gifts then ask God to show you HOW to incorporate them into your everyday so you SERVE others through them within your business.
I would LOVE to hear YOUR story.
Be filled to overflowing,
Janet Stephenson says
The assessment is a good reminder for me to revisit today. Thank you…