What’s your angle? Ask this, “How can I approach my business in a way that is unique to me?”
This is a serious question. Is there only one type of person in your industry? Is there only one way to show up as a woman who does what you do? Of course not. Yes, there are proven strategies that have worked for others that you have learned and trained around, but no one is exactly like you.
You must make it your own or it will not feel authentic and you won’t be motivated to keep going. AND, we need motivation because if what we are doing does not have meaning and fulfill a purpose, we will always be searching somewhere else and not bringing our best to the work.
Today I want to chat about two individual qualities you own that will help you reach out to more people, create more opportunities for success, and motivate you to keep going no matter what.
Values are those things that are important to you. Here is a short list of possible value words for you to glance through. This is to get you started. Scan the list write down the words that are important concepts to you. This should be a gut feeling, don’t spend too much time analyzing.
Sustainability | Innovation | Excellence |
Reliability | Loyal | Committed |
Dependable | Passionate | Courageous |
Respectful | Inspiring | Honesty |
Integrity | Consistent | Efficient |
Humorous | Optimistic | Positive |
Nurturing | Open-minded | Adventurous |
Resourceful | Customer service | Fun |
Humble | Community | Responsibility |
Quality | Satisfaction | Delight |
Support | Caring | Partnership |
Best | Value | Global |
Transformation | Leadership | Teamwork |
Diversity | Humility | Transparency |
Results | Fanatical | Friends |
Family | Listening | Learning |
Educating | remarkable | Faith |
Kindness | Simplicity | Peace |
Justice | Joy | Fitness |
Wisdom | Understanding | Power |
Creativity | Daring | Cooperation |
Encourage | Stability | Organization |
The idea is to narrow your choices to FIVE. If you have too many, keep eliminating words that are similar to end up with your TOP five value words.
This is a much longer exercise so don’t think you have to complete it right now. I use a more extensive list when I workshop this exercise. The reason I have you narrow it down to five is because it is a tool for filtering your decisions around. It is easy to assign a value to each finger and have it act like a filter for your decision making.
Why do I start here? Because for you to be motivated you have to be working in your values. If an activity fills you with dread or sucks the life out of you, it is either something you need to change your approach to or quit. It is not aligning with who you are.
My five values are Creativity, Faith, Learning, Authenticity, Independence. When I was in a Direct Selling company, there were prescribed ways to run a party, talk to people, and offer the opportunity, we even had scripts. I needed to place my approach into these set ways of doing things. So, building on my value of creativity, I decided to create Journaling Workshops around my products (since they had inspirational and faith-based sayings on them). It was my way to create a party that fit me.
Look at your values’ list. How do you think you can align your values with your approach to the way you do business? What can you do that would play into what is important to you?
The other ‘beauty’ of working in your values is that you attract clients that you really like and want to work with because you are being your authentic self.
The second quality I want to look at today are your experiences. Yes, what you have been through; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why this? Because I think you may be leaving people out of your sphere of influence that need to know about your business. You have gone through an experience or been involved in certain activities in your life so you can help someone else as they are going through it. Don’t count them out as potential clients for your business.
These experiences include things like events, interests, hobbies, jobs, schooling, family, clubs, associations, and more. Through your experiences you have several people you can reach out to so you can attract more clients and accomplish your goals. These may be people you never imagined could become your biggest followers, clients, and fans.
Take a couple of minutes to list some experiences (with people) that come to mind. A hobby (i.e., quilting), an event you have attended (i.e., Fundraiser for a non-profit), a club/association you belong/ed to (i.e., Kiwanis, PTA), and one other place you show up where you interact or have interacted with people (i.e, networking), write down that group. Remember, to draw on past experiences as well as present ones. Even if you don’t quilt or scrapbook anymore, it does not mean you shouldn’t reach out to those groups. You know their language, and you like them, right?
The point of this exercise is for you not to overlook all the people in your life. And, to help you get started thinking, I have a 100 NOs list. What is the LIST of 100 NOs? It is a mindset re-frame. It is a way for you to see abundance over scarcity.
The Go for No challenge is a book by Richard Fenton and it changed my life. Instead of working until you reach the goal you want, you are going for the opposite, working until you get 100 NOs. So, let’s say you want to book 5 new client meetings. You write out your list of potential people to contact and begin. Once you get the 5 meetings, you stop. Goal accomplished.
Imagine if you turned it around and went for 100 NOs. What would happen then? Your focus would be on serving their needs. Your contact with each person would be more than just asking if they wanted to have a meeting. It becomes a conversation about how you can help and serve them. You become the hero!
This list should always be growing. Create your own 100 List by making 3-columns: name, contact info, and action. Start with the life categories we already discussed, past and present, and fill in the numbers with names and contact info. When you reach out to them you have a space to write what happened. See where they are and how you can serve them through your business.
Another reason to create the list is that you can always pull it out when you have a spare 15 minutes (i.e., waiting at the doctor’s, carpool,etc.) and make a call, write an email, or text. Taking time to brainstorm and create your list saves you time and brain power later.
What’s your angle and who can you share it with? What do you want your clients to experience with you when they are interacting with your business? For me it was just one compliment, one person seeing me how I wanted to see myself, that made me a raving fan and client. We connected because she brought her authentic self to the business.
So, what angle do you want to give the clients you serve? How will you approach your business so it feeds into your values and reaches into all areas and people in your life?
In this post I cannot go through all the things you may need to do and in what order you need to do them for you to succeed in attracting your ideal clients. That’s why I am offering something super special to help you break through and create goals and an action plan that will give you the best strategy to make them attainable.
Connect with me to find out more about the Calling Clarity Course designed to move your business to the next level.
Thanks for this exercise! Very helpful. My biz is Education – Leadership Training.
“So, what’s my incentive?”
(in-CEN-TIF) ?
– think with CREATIVITY
– operate with EXCELLENCE
– demonstrate NURTURING
– promote TRANSFORMATION (learning is not about “knowing” something, it’s about “becoming” something)
– provide INSPIRATION (i.e. encouragement/motivation)
– and everything I do must have integrity with my FAITH in God.
Thanks for helping me put this into words were it will be more useful in my decision making.
This is great. Thanks for sharing. 🙂