Are you frustrated? Are you thinking you can’t do what God is calling you to do? You’re thinking it’s impossible to have a business, or at least the business you want, because your life is so chaotic and there is too much going on for you?
Do you feel unorganized, know you move in and out of consistency and are guilty of not staying with your plan when something new comes along?
Let me be honest here. . . You’re not getting the results you want because you are not planning far enough out.
How can you have more consistency and organize your God-centered business? Planning your quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals so they feed into your overall business goals. Whether that is to get more clients, speak on stage, or write a book.
Right now, I want you to stop thinking about all the things you ‘have to’ do or think you ‘should’ do. Let’s instead get you focused on how to organize your God-centered business and fill up your schedule in the right order.
I know when you have things in the right order, prioritized, and planned, you get more time to do things better and more efficiently.
Begin to organize your God-centered business
Let’s get started by first talking about all the things you do in your business to get people into your program, hiring you to speak, subscribing to your membership, or downloading your course. You know, make sales.
Make a list of all the ways you market.
- Social media content on various platforms
- Videos on YouTube or LIVES on other platforms
- Masterclasses and webinars or maybe workshops and classes
- Meetings with potential clients
- Other event invites
Take a quick audit, or brain dump, of what you did this last year at any given time. Write out what activities you did to get people to know about you and your offering. Don’t worry. You didn’t do it consistently. Just write out what you did at any point.
Here’s what I have observed. . . you get a great idea, try it once, maybe twice, and if there are not immediate results, stop doing it. It takes consistent pushes to get something moving. Only once you get it moving at a steady speed will there be little or no effort on your part.
How to organize your God-centered business
Now it’s time to take a good look at what happened and to focus on what will happen going forward.
I know there are many ‘ways’ to organize your God-centered business and to plan. You must choose what works for you in the way God designed you, or you will not stick with it.
But I will tell you this: when you get serious about using a method and working on it consistently, you will find success and be more productive.
Imagine opening your planner for the quarter and already having an outline directly from your annual plan. Picture being able to set up monthly goals and break them down into weekly tasks. Imagine knowing exactly what you must do to make your business run smoothly.
Break down your goals
NOW, at the top of a page, write out one main goal for your business this year. For me, this year, it was to find an agent for the book I am writing.
Of course, I had other goals for my business, but it is important to separate them so you can break down the quarterly milestones, monthly accomplishments, and weekly actions.
I want to show you what I did to accomplish my annual goal- Getting an agent.
First, I love sticky notes, so I used oversized ones to write out my milestones for each quarter and put them up on my wall.
Q1: Write a query letter.
Q2: Make a list of possible agents and submission requirements.
Q3: Write a proposal.
Q4: Send a query letter and proposal to agents.
With these in view, I then broke down each quarter into three-month segments. I broke down the process into three parts, and these went into my analog calendar (but you can use your method) for each month.
For example, during Q2, I had to do much research. The first month’s goal was to create a spreadsheet and fill it in with 15 possible agents and their details. The second month’s goal was to add 20 more. The third month’s goal was to add the last 15 and to rank the agents into good, better, and best categories.
Then, the focus was on the weekly actions or tasks. That meant time blocking my days to work specifically on this goal. Your best strategy for this is to create a routine for your days. Keep it flexible by having ‘free’ space inside your days, BUT by having a daily routine, you will accomplish more.
It is important to write out this schedule. Statistics tell us that you are 83% more likely to do a task if it is written down.
How to stay organized
When you are planning, I have seen two things happen with the women I coach.
- They plan too much.
- They plan too little.
Both are a problem. But both are learning tools.
At the end of each quarter, it is important to take a step back and look at what was accomplished. You can feel defeated if you do not complete all the goals. OR, you can feel elated that you’ve finished all your goals.
Evaluate what happened.
Ask yourself these questions if you did not accomplish everything you intended:
- What outside influences kept me from completing some items?
- Were there just too many things on my list?
- How can I break this down better?
- Is this list realistic for the future?
Ask yourself these questions if you accomplished everything you intended:
- What else could I have done this quarter?
- Did I challenge myself enough?
- What have I learned about what I can accomplish?
- How can I plan the next quarter to get even more accomplished?
I want to give you some space to write out some goals around marketing your offer. Take time to practice pulling apart the plan so that it is broken down into quarterly milestones, monthly goals, and daily activities.
Go back and use the marketing things you listed that you have tried in the past and mark those things that:
- You enjoyed doing.
- Boosted your confidence.
- Gave you any type of result.
- Felt satisfying.
Write out a plan to start doing those things that support your goal. Write the big goal, break it down into quarterly milestones, set monthly goals that support achieving the milestones, and write out weekly actions to move you forward by completing the goals.
Staying on top of your goals is the only way to stay consistent in your business.
How to be organized
Each day, you make around 200 decisions. Creating routines can help with many of your more mundane decisions and, therefore, free up space for more important decisions, the ones for your business.
I use a simple method to help me make quick daily decisions for my business. They are based on two things: impact and effort.
If something has a high impact on my business, like getting clients, making sales, or accomplishing a goal, and there is low effort, I’m going to make it a priority.
If something has a high impact but is also a high effort, I will see how to add it to my schedule because I know it is important.
However, if something has low impact, that is- outside my goals, but has low effort, I may consider doing it or delegating it.
But, if something has a low impact and also is a high effort, I’m just going to forget it.
Each day, you need to take care of many things in your business.
There are: phone calls, zoom meetings, social media posting, accounting, meeting with clients, networking, sending invoices, creating products/services, creating content, writing sales pages, filming videos, doing LIVES, preparing & giving masterclasses/webinars, appointments with your team, and more.
Give yourself time to really look at what’s important for your business. Get organized to make it happen and it contributes to your success.
Getting help to organize
Realize, too, that success doesn’t happen unless you make an intentional effort. There is always more to learn on this entrepreneurial adventure. The best way I have found is to be part of a community.
A community can energize and motivate you to make the effort required to reach your potential. It inspires you to keep moving forward, stay consistent, learn, and do better.
I want to invite you to learn more about the Calling Clarity Community by watching this Webinar. I’ll meet you there to give you insights on how Connecting, Collaborating, and Cultivating YOU inside a community will help you reach your goals in business and in life.
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