How do you know when God is calling you to transition into something new, something different?
Let’s look at some clues. . . Are you feeling bored in your current position, job, or business? Are you going through the motions daily, wishing you could find meaning in your work and a reason to stay motivated?
Boredom, lack of motivation, or finding no meaning are all clues that God is trying to get your attention.
I want to review three strategies to get you unstuck and help you transition into what God has next.
We’ll look at the following:
- Why knowing God’s design of you and working in your genius zone will erase your boredom
- How finding your right direction gives you find meaning in your work – the work that God is calling you to do
- What connecting to a community can do for your motivation
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God’s calling to find meaning in your work
Let’s address an issue right off the start here. . . Do you doubt yourself? Are you sticking it out in your current position? Maybe a job, career, or business is no longer satisfying. Are you staying there because that seems safe?
You know God is pulling at your heart to move, shift, or do something different, but you don’t know what to do. You have so many ideas and so many possibilities, and it is just overwhelming.
That’s where all my clients start. They feel trapped in indecision because they could go in too many directions. Where they end up is having a focus and direction to do what God has called them to do and has designed them to do.
Ephesians 2:10 says: For we (you) are God’s masterpiece. He has created us (you) anew in Christ Jesus so we (you) can do the good things (the good works) He planned for us (you) long ago.
In this post, I want to treat you like a client, if that’s okay, and go through these three strategies with you.

How to get out of boredom by transitioning
Often, boredom stems from not being utilized in the best way for you. God has designed you in a specific way, and when you are working in what is considered your ‘genius zone,’ you are utilizing your specific design.
Most of us lack challenge in our lives. We are just moving along at a ho-hum pace. We get bored when there is no challenge and nothing to look forward to.
You may even be working in your ‘zone of excellence,’ doing something you are really good at doing, it’s easy for you, but it’s not fulfilling.
When you are in your zone of genius/genius zone, you are actually in ‘the flow.’ This is when you are doing things that seem innate to you. However, these activities are often natural talents, so you enjoy them and never get bored.
Understanding the difference between the ‘zone of excellence’ and the ‘zone of genius can be tricky.’
Let’s do an exercise to help you.

Zone of excellence and zone of genius
We start by identifying your expert zones. Now, you don’t have to be THE BEST at something to be an expert. But you need to be good enough or know enough about it to help someone who knows nothing.
Your problem is not that you’re not an expert at anything but that you’re too good at many things. You know too much, and it paralyzes you because you can’t choose between good, better, and best.
That’s a good problem to have, but it’s still a problem. The antidote is to find your genius zone, the area where you can contribute something truly unique.
Question #1: What are your expert zones?
List everything you can think of, even if it seems very basic. Things that come easy to you, whether you learned how to do them well or they just come naturally to you.
Question #2: What’s your One Big Key Zone?
From your list of expert zones, there is one big thing that has to be included. What is it?
Find a commonality that runs throughout all the others. You may also want to look for what you have done the longest or have the most experience.
If I look at my list, I would say curriculum development because I have used it across all the other things in my life. I used this skill when I was a teacher and with homeschooling. I used it when I created a program for teaching Spanish and writing dramas for mission trips, when I led bible studies, and when I made my coaching program.

Think of it this way, to create your genius zone without this particular ‘thing’ would be virtually impossible. What can’t be left out of your list as you narrow it down? That is your One Big Key Zone.
We will only work on this first BIG KEY zone right here. If you were to continue to be my client. . . we would look at secondary zones as well. You want to find and combine all the ‘zones’ you enjoy, which energizes you to create the right business transition for you.
This combination of skills, traits, and experiences makes up your genius zone. In Calling Clarity we have a 360-degree view tool that helps you clarify your genius zone.
When you find this zone, work in it, and FLOW through it, you will never be bored again.
How to create more meaning by transitioning
Finding your genius zone, God’s design of you is just one step needed as you transition to what God is calling you to do next.
When you are multi-talented, have much experience to offer, and have worked in many different capacities, it can be hard to know which direction to go.
It is essential to narrow down your choices. While we work a lot in Calling Clarity with God’s design of you and helping you discover your uniqueness, I cannot tell you what to do. That is not my job.
I can guide you to what God wants you to do. One of our modules is just for you to know how you best connect to God. When you build this vertical relationship with God, the things you do horizontally will have more meaning.

Activities to help you discern God’s leading
FIRST- Prayer
Did you think I was going to say something different? This is a no-brainer (I hope). But what is the best way to pray? With a journal.
I know I have said this before, but it is the best way to see (really see) what God is trying to tell you. You can do practical things like pro/con lists and start to doodle and sit quietly until you get impressions, words, and thoughts you can record.
Using colors, writing, and drawing allows your brain to slow down, so you are more receptive to what God wants to say to you. And, over time, you can review the messages God has been giving you.
SECOND – Bible
It is amazing how God will lead you to verses that speak exactly to your situation and show you what to do next. Sometimes I read verses that jump off the page that I swear I have never read before (which is impossible since I have read the Bible completely through).
Put those verses and thoughts in your journal too. God will reveal what move He wants you to make.
THIRD – Creative silence and solitude
This is an extended time alone with God. Spend one day, 6 hours, alone with God. I encourage you to create one each quarter.
By setting up a specific time for solitude, you are really allowing yourself to ‘hear’ from God. We live in such a noisy society (literally with traffic) and with Social Media, 24-hour news, podcasts, and YouTube, and there always seems to be music coming from somewhere.
One of the things I’ve noticed as I have sat silent before God for years now is how He has changed my prayers, desires, and direction so that I am in tune with what He has for me and the things He’s calling me to do.
Aligning with God for your success in your business and life will give it more meaning because you will be in His Will. You’ll know the right choices because you listen to Him.

How to stay motivated by transitioning
As a solopreneur, which most of us start as can be very lonely. Not all of us are self-motivated either, at least in the way an entrepreneur needs to be. So it’s crucial to not only find your ideal clients but it’s also essential to find your people.
If God asks you to transition into your existing business, create a new one, or do some completely different work, then you know from experience that it will not work unless you stay consistent. That’s the power of community.
Let’s look a little deeper into staying motivated through consistency in your work, no matter what. It is not about
- Getting quick results but it is about making incremental progress and celebrating the progress you are making.
- Making quick starts and stops but it is about committing to sustained effort over time by having a plan of action.
- Finding the next shiny new technique that might work but it is about building small empowering habits that grow and benefit you.
Community support
The place to have this type of support is inside a community. You can progress faster when you have more input from people who are on the same journey and ahead of you. In Calling Clarity, we meet weekly for training, Q&A, feedback, accountability, and more.

Since I am treating you like a client today, let me give you a take-a-way activity. . . what comes to mind is to help you find your community.
Do this. . . Write 3-7 things you would want from a community of like-minded Christian women entrepreneurs/business owners. What are some of the things you need to help you make the transition God is calling you to make? I would love to know what you brainstormed! Put your answers in the comments.
Now, imagine being a part of that community. What does it look like? What activities are going on each week that supports what God is showing you? Imagine a community that can help you grow strong in the LORD and grow your God-centered business.
Transitioning to something new is not so scary when you have the support of other women who understand your struggles, encourage your efforts to improve, and celebrate your triumphs with you.
It helps you find meaning in your work and stay motivated too!
Contact me if you are looking for a community. Let’s have a chat and I’ll explain how you how Calling Clarity can help you.

God is calling you to find meaning in your work
I know what you might be saying to yourself right now. “Yes, I know God is calling me to transition into something new, something that will have more meaning. . .BUT,
- It will be too hard.
- I don’t know what steps to take.
- People will think I’m crazy.
- I want to trust God but . . . (will I have money, will it work, will I have clients, . . . doubts).”
Here’s the thing. . . If you could do it all on your own, you wouldn’t need God. And I believe He put this post in front of you for a reason.
Is it time for you to find meaning in your work, leave/transition from the position, the job, the career, or the old business? Then it’s time to STOP and START:
- Being bored – START to work in your genius zone.
- Going through the motions – START to have more meaning by connecting with God for your direction.
- Trying to do everything alone – START to connect with women who ‘get you’ and motivate you to succeed.
I hope you enjoyed being my client this time. Comment about what God asks you to do and what support you need to make it happen.

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