Do you want to work with Christians? Do you have a hard time finding them on social media? Is your ideal client a Christian business owner, a ministry director, a pastor, or someone who wants to improve themselves mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.?
To attract the right clients (quality over quantity) makes all the difference in your business. You don’t need to have numbers; you need to have people who want what you are offering.
I want to chat about how to attract the right clients, those God has ordained for you. You were created to solve someone’s problem. I’ll show you how to magnetize you and your message so they will come ‘knocking on your door’.
Know your niche
There are lots of sayings out there about niching down. Have you heard any of these?
- Niche down to blow up
- The money’s in the niches
- Identify your niche and dominate it
So much truth here. When you are able to get super specific about who you serve and how you serve them, you will become an attraction magnet.
Gone are the days of creating lists of your ideal client’s demographics and psychographics. No more, “I work with women ages 25-40 who want to lose weight and have tried different things that have not worked for them.” Too general and too boring.
Even if you think you are niching down by adding details like. . .
- she’s a new mom
- lives in a big city
- has a household income over $70K
You have not gotten specific enough to really stand out from others who are also providing the same type of offering as you.
When I talk about specifically WHO, I want you to think about it in this way.
- Who am I?
- What have I overcome?
- How did I overcome it?
Let’s use the example of a weight-loss person. Let’s say you have always had an affinity for sports and keeping active as part of your lifestyle. You may have a background in nutrition, exercise, or even physical therapy. When you had a baby, you found it difficult to lose the ‘baby weight’ doing all the things you knew should work. You decided to try other methods and overcame this problem by doing x, y, and z.
Do you see how, by going into your own story, you are getting more niched? Now your person is someone very much like you. That means you understand deeply your ideal client’s struggle their pain points. You know how they view themselves and how they feel. Their story is really a reflection of your own story.
Know their pain points
When I began in business, I was told to get inside the ‘head’ of my ideal client. To actually write a story about what they ‘may’ be saying in their head. This never really worked.
You can’t stop with this ‘journal’ exercise. Talking to people who are right now at this same pain point where you were helps you get their perspective, too. This gives you insights into what they are thinking, how they are viewing themselves, and the wording they are using to describe it. By knowing what is going on inside their heads, you can create your magnetic messaging.
In the Calling Clarity Community, we call this the ICA Interview. It is simple, really. Create a set of questions to find out more about the pain of a potential client and to really dig down into why it is a problem.
By getting out of your head and into a conversation, you better understand WHERE the person is on their journey to solve the problem they are having. When you can meet them exactly at that specific place, they are ready to say YES to your offer. This is when you attract the right clients.
Let’s go back to the example I was using with the weight loss person.
The crisis point, that specific place on the road, could be a number of things:
- not feeling attractive
- clothes don’t fit
- pelvic floor problems
- loss of self
Your job is to find one (not all) specific place you feel most qualified to address based on your own experience, knowledge, and expertise.
You want to choose ONE because then you become the go-to expert on that specific issue. If you are talking about many things, then you start to blend in with everyone else. You want to stand out.
Know your expertise
Did you know you have natural talents and abilities that no one else has? Those things that come easily to you are not easy for others. That is so important to understand.
You were created to be someone else’s solution. To give them the gift of you and what you can do for them. Those ‘gifts’ from God are exactly the ways you can show up in your business uniquely. It is how you attract those you are called to serve.
There is no one that has ever existed that is exactly like you. No one else has your combination of personality, talents, and strengths. By examining your life, you can choose from those unique skills.
Take a few moments and write out what you have expertise in that is related directly or indirectly to the problem you solve.
Remember, expertise does not have to only mean a degree or certificate. Things you have done repeatedly are also an expertise for you.
The quirkiest knowledge or ability you have will lead you to create your unique value proposition, that special ‘thing’ you bring to your industry that no one else does.
Know your solution
Knowing where your ideal clients are and their pain points is part of the process. The next is that you have to give them what they want. What is the solution they are seeking? What do they want to have happen that will make them feel better, look better, be better?
This is where you need to decide how you provide that solution in your unique way. What transformation can you promise that aligns with what they ‘think’ they want? Here’s the secret. . . they think they WANT one thing, but they actually NEED another.
Your job is to provide the WANT and then go beyond what they could have imagined and give them the transformation they never knew they needed. Sounds like a big job, right?
That’s what makes niching down so beneficial. Your specific solution, done in your specific way, becomes the gold standard in your industry for what you provide. Your offer stands out because you are giving your ideal clients the results they have been looking for.
The more you can pinpoint exactly who they are, where they are, and how you can help them, and the more you speak from your heart, the more they will be lining up for your offer.
Know how to engage
Now that you KNOW all these things, you’re ready to create the content that will attract the right clients. You can rise above all the others who are doing something similar. You can stand out because you are promising something specific that fills the needs of someone in that particular situation.
First, know where your ideal client is hanging out. Facebook groups, forums, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn groups? Go where they are and create content of VALUE.
This Valuable Content, as we call it in the Calling Clarity Community, always includes a CTA (call to action). You want the person reading it, looking at it, listening to it, to engage in some way that gets them onto your email list.
It is important to start with ONE platform, the one where your ideal client is hanging out the most, get really good at it, and then move on to other social media platforms.
When you use all the elements of Valuable Content (informing, inspiring, connecting, and motivating), you are guaranteed engagement, and you’ll attract the right clients who will answer, chat, click, download, register, and subscribe to you. You will have captured their info and have a hot lead worth pursuing.
Know you are not alone
Whether you are a Christian entrepreneur whose ideal clients are Christians or not, the Calling Clarity Community is dedicated to you.
It’s a place for you to feel welcomed, supported, encouraged, and challenged to live and grow your faith while giving you the tools and resources to grow your business. To do the work God is calling you to do, knowing you have sisters that ‘get you’, are praying for you, are there for you along the way, and want to see you succeed.
I know you want to help ‘as many people as you can’. So, learn to stop making tiny splashes in the big ocean of sameness. Start to create your own big splash that stands out from everyone else and attract the right clients.
Click HERE to check out the Calling Clarity Community. Join this community to grow your business, but mostly, join this Community to grow your IMPACT for God through your business.
Naomi Aika Bongtu says
Very inspirational