Only you can show up as you in your business and life. God never asks us to change our personalities, but He does change us. He gave you your eye and hair color as well as the shape of your face and body. Celebrate your differences. Celebrate that only you can bring into the world the ideas He is giving you. Thank Him that He has entrusted you with this important task.
Lydia’s example
You are unique and so was Lydia. She was a woman with her own style! Flamboyant, friendly and successful. She knew her customers and their tastes. She was the go-to woman for the finest in clothes. Lydia was the fashion mogul of her town and I am sure she dressed the part.
Her business is very lucrative in the ancient world. The cloth is worth its weight in silver. Lydia enjoys a luxurious life, just like the fabric she sells. Purple is the color of royalty and everyone wants it. She is in high demand and everyone knows who she is in her marketplace. She has branded herself well and her logo is purple.
I love that we never see her apologize for doing well in business and having wealth. She owns a home, has her own servants and makes all the decisions for her household. She is the whole package. And, she loves God! (Acts 16:15) She is a woman just like you, merging her two worlds by staying culturally relevant as she stays positioned to share her faith.
Lydia’s Uniqueness
This combination of strong leadership and business abilities along with her spiritual gifts (worship, service, hospitality, generosity) gave Lydia a unique influence in her marketplace (Acts 16:14-15). As a charismatic, successful woman she set an example worth following. Her influence with her customers, employees, trade merchants, and vendors gave her opportunities for making disciples of Jesus. Her role was vital for her world and your role is vital for yours.
Your Uniqueness
Your unique combination of natural abilities and spiritual gifts is perfect for where you are in your business and for who you connect with on a regular basis. God has given you both so that they work together in your marketplace endeavors. Many times, the natural abilities you have become Spirit-infused gifts to show others the glory and goodness of God. This is when you can align your gifts with your role in the marketplace. And, that enables you to worship God through your work because it can produce eternal rewards and results. Amazing.
You may not be the exciting, sociable, purple wearing Lydia but you are exactly who you need to be. We each have our own resources and our own style. Some of us are competitive and headstrong, others systematic and organized, while still others are loyal and great listeners. You are who God intended you to be, so embrace it and act in the way that fits you best.
I am glad we are not made from the same mold. God is so creative so why shouldn’t His children not reflect His creativity. Lydia’s faith was expressed in her individuality and your faith needs to be expressed in your personality and distinctiveness. That’s what makes it authentic.
Open your heart, give your resources, and keep your style. It is your unique influence in the marketplace that God will use.
Connect with me to find out more about the Calling Clarity Course designed to move your business to the next level.
So many people coming confuse success with greed or selfishness. Thank you for pointing out that earthly happiness for talent and hard work is a gift.
Thank you for this — these wise words, Deneen. I especially like this: “Many times, the natural abilities you have become Spirit-infused gifts to show others the glory and goodness of God.”
hard work can bring so much joy and it is exactly that…hard work. No one should ever be thought of as greedy when they have more than the next person due to their perserverance.
We are all so unique, it sad to hear people still trying to be like someone else.