My day is broken down into time blocking tasks. For example, it is Monday morning and I have time blocked to write this blog. I ‘try’ to take away all distractions and just write.
During any day I have time carved out to get tasks and projects completed. I also have time blocked out for preparing dinner, going on appointments, and working with coaching clients. Is your day similar?
One thing I like about time blocking is that I get a lot more accomplished. Another thing I like is that I have an excuse not to deal with every distraction from others. I think that’s called, boundaries.
Advantages of Time Blocking
When you have many different things to do in a day, time blocking can make it easier. I am not just talking about in your business. I use it for everything (like when I said, ‘preparing dinner’). It gives me a way to break up my day and prioritize what I need to do.
So, with such a great tool for my schedule . . . How can I FIT serving God into my day? Since I believe I am called to the Marketplace, and I am assuming you are too, I need to figure out how to do it during my work day.
It may be simpler than you think. ? AND, I have an acronym to help you remember.
FIT in Time Blocking
The F in FIT is for Flair. The definition of flair is a natural ability to do something well. Some of the synonyms are Style, Aptitude, and Gift. You are exceptional, a one of a kind. God wants you to be your true self, not someone’s image of you or even someone you think you should be. You have something special that makes you the perfect person to do His work at any time.
The I in FIT is for Individuality. This definition says, ‘a specific personality, character, or characteristic that distinguishes you from others’. Whoa! You need to grasp how special God made you. You are distinct from anyone who has ever lived or who will ever live. AND, He has called you to a specific job that is different from anyone else. He is shaping your character to be more like Him every day.
The T in FIT is for Timely. Again, you were born and live in this generation for His purpose. The business you’re in is no mistake. You are there to do the work, the calling, He has for you. Your service to coworkers, friends, and others belongs to you alone. God tells us that the ‘time is short’ and we are to make the most of each moment. Use your day-to-day moments to see God opportunities to serve Him.
Did you notice there was no time blocking in that? It’s because you have a unique ROLE that God has called you to. That ROLE also fits into your time blocks because it is designed for you.
Your Time Blocking ROLE
Of course, I have another acronym to help you. ?
R- Be the REAL you. God wants to grow you into His image so you shine for Him. Do it, every day, at home and in your work, while commuting and when having fun. See the people in your life as your way to serve God. Share yourself with them in ways that are natural and build relationships.
O- Be Obedient to Him. Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit pulling at your heart to do something or say something? Don’t squelch those promptings. Ask God for courage to act on them. He will not give you an assignment He has not equipped you for. It is in the little things, the care and attention you give someone that can show them Jesus.
L- Love others. On our own we are incapable of really loving others. Let’s face it, many people are not lovable. That coworker, boss, intern . . . will feel love when you allow God’s love to show through you. Make sure to fill up on God each day so you have His power to love others.
E- You will have an Effect. Those around you will take notice. Each day you will make others stop and think about you by the way you interact with them. Your depth of influence will grow. AND, opportunities will open for you to share your faith.
Time Blocking is a Tool
While time blocking is a great tool for you to grow your business and to take control of your life, it is not something you can utilize to serve God well. He doesn’t want you to FIT Him in along with your other activities. He wants to be woven throughout your day, your week, your life.
When you understand that your ROLE is to show others God’s goodness all the time then it becomes as natural as breathing. This Christian adventure is ‘figureoutable’ because it is simple.
Connect with me to find out more about the Calling Clarity Course designed to move your business to the next level.
Blocking off time in your day is a real time management tool. I struggle with this, but I’m getting better.
It is all about being consistent and doing it little by little every day. Start with just one time a day to work on your most important project.
This is such a timely post because I have recently started to block out time for God first thing in the mornings. It is a great way to take time to listen to his wisdom and guidance. Love this article – especially the part about being authentic and that we are all here for a specific reason.
I’m a list person, which naturally helps me time block. I prioritize my items for the day (usually by subject group) and knock them out in order. Not everything gets done at the end of the day, but I know that my top tasks are finished and that makes me feel better.
I love to block off time and to turn off things as well so I am not distracted. Blocking time off really helps me focus. Love your suggestions.
Time blocking works well for many needs. I love the focus that it brings.
This is an efficient way to work. I could benefit from this.