As a believer in Jesus I am sad that we have given away our power. We have God’s own Spirit living inside of each of us and yet we throw up our hands and say, “The world is getting worse. What can we do?” We can CHANGE the Culture, that’s what we can do. How? […]
How to Show Your Faith at Work
We have been slowly unraveling what it looks like to show up in your work as a Christian. Your faith is part of who you are and there should be no pieces left behind as you go to your work each day. There should only be wholeness. So, how can you show your faith at […]
How God Uses YOUR Equipping
Equipping Deborah Deborah was a judge and prophetess in her time. God had equipped her to do a special job. She was a political leader as well as a spiritual leader in Israel. I imagine there were great stories told about her around the tables of the women at that time and to future generations. […]
The Great Commission & YOU
Take the Great Commission Personally If you have spent any time around me you know that I talk about how to live out the Great Commission. So, let’s review. ? The Great Commission In Matthew 28:18-19 Jesus says to, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the […]
Time Blocking and Serving God
My day is broken down into time blocking tasks. For example, it is Monday morning and I have time blocked to write this blog. I ‘try’ to take away all distractions and just write. During any day I have time carved out to get tasks and projects completed. I also have time blocked out for […]