Have you ever heard something that so resonated with you, you just had to share? That’s what happened to me! I want to chat about Changing your life by Changing your mind. This post is inspired by another brilliant woman I heard speak this past weekend, Bex Rowlands. I love how God brings things in […]
Two Skills You Own that Attract Clients
What’s your angle? Ask this, “How can I approach my business in a way that is unique to me?” This is a serious question. Is there only one type of person in your industry? Is there only one way to show up as a woman who does what you do? Of course not. Yes, there […]
Everything God makes is GOOD
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 You are His masterpiece. Let that sink in . . . everything God makes is good. When you understand that God created you unique and then learn […]
When there is no more to offer
A while back I felt like I had nothing more to offer. I was going in so many directions, following so many ‘experts’ and trying to do it all to make my business grow. I thought I was doing it right. I thought this was what God wanted. Then I crashed. The very thing I […]
Five CORE Levels for Your Business
There are five things that make up the CORE of your God-centered business. Think of it as a triangle. Start at the bottom. The first two levels deal with Jesus and your doctrine. These make up the foundation. The third level is the strategy you use to run your business. The next level is about […]