Many women in a place of career transitions feel trapped in indecision. Indecision causes them to feel trapped and stuck, not being able to move forward or in any direction. Unfortunately, this is where many throw up their hands and say, “I give up! I don’t know what to do. Nothing is working!” In this […]
Stay Focused
Choosing the Right Path When in Transition
When in a position of transition in life, many entrepreneurial-spirited, smart, and ambitious Christian women face uncertainty, indecision, and a lack of clarity. Choosing the right path when in transition involves first seeking clarity. It has been said that clarity comes from engagement, not sitting around thinking, but from actually taking action. Since I am […]
Find Your Word Of The Year To Stay Focused In 2022
We can keep focused when we stay close to God, and we will live in His purpose (in His will) when we keep connected to and seek Him first in all things. So my purpose and your purpose is to do just that, to have a vertical relationship before we try to do anything horizontal. […]