You are committed to making your business relevant for God’s Kingdom. You want to be the entrepreneur that gives God priority. Here are four things you can do now to trust God and make it happen. Take a Sabbath It’s Sunday afternoon and you are working on next week’s Social Media posts. Where is […]
Spiritual Practices
Be Equipped for your Business Vision
What is the Vision God has given you for a Business? I know you have one. There is something inside of you that is dying to get out. You feel that push in your Heart that must get out. Do you know what I am talking about? As I began my Business journey I realized […]
Know YOU through Spiritual Practices
Knowing what God says about YOU is the first step to understanding yourself better and knowing how God wants you to serve Him through your business. The last seven years have had many twists and turns as God has led me into the space I am in now. It is exciting to be on this […]
Become THE Expert Communicator
Have you ever had a customer . . . . . . that was demanding, impatient, and competitive? . . . that was enthusiastic, impulsive and a little disorganized? . . . that was cooperative, supportive and yet indecisive? . . . that was cautious, systematic and somewhat critical? Welcome to the world of personality […]
Know YOU and relate to others better
When was the last time you were with someone who seemed to have the ability figure everyone out? They could articulate the reasons someone was acting a certain way or said a certain thing because they ‘know the type’. Is that annoying to you or is it a skill you wish you had? I’m not […]