As an entrepreneur, you’re passionate and growth-hungry, and you’ve escaped the 9-5 routine and taken risks to get where you are. But, you now feel like giving up. Why? Because all those things you have ‘tried’ are not succeeding as planned. Are you guilty of trying the next new trend that comes along? Do you […]
How Prayer and Fasting Can Help Your Business
I was on a call with a potential client, and she said, “I just don’t know what is wrong. It could be my messaging or my pricing.” She had no idea why she could not get new clients. I asked her what her faith life was like. She stopped for a moment, surprised by my […]
4 Tools for your Prayer-life
Prayer is such an integral part of our Faith-walk, yet, how many of us neglect it because we are not sure what to do, how to do it, and just don’t understand how it works. Is this you? Are you at a loss when it comes to Prayer? Let’s start with some elements of Prayer. […]