Sabbath is one of my favorite Spiritual Practices. It gives me 24-hours to relax, refresh, and remain connected to the Father. Do you trust God enough to take a Sabbath each week? That was the question I needed to ask myself AND I needed God to show me that I could. Sabbath Begins My Sabbath […]
Know God
Promoting God through your Work
You may know the story of the sisters Mary and Martha from the Bible (Luke 10 & John 11). If you know the story then you also immediately identify with one or the other. Each woman loved Jesus in her own way. Each woman was transformed by the experience. Here is a quiz for you […]
Serve God More at WORK
So, it’s Monday, time to go to ‘Work’. How do you feel? Excited? Depressed? Or do you feel just plain tired? How do you see your work? Is it something that pays the bills OR are you passionate about what you do? How do you think God sees your work? Your Week to Serve I […]
Not Failure, a Lesson Learned
I closed the GFYO Business and Educational Center in November of last year. It was an 18-month lesson in trusting God. When I began, I knew for certain it was what God wanted for me. I had been meeting with my Women’s Networking Group in different locations for a while and felt His leading to […]
Choose Your Adventure
Do you remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books? Those stories were exciting to read. The story was always full of suspense and the adventure intriguing. At the bottom of a certain page there would be a choice to make. AND, those choices never seemed to be exactly what you would do. What to do […]