My first business was teaching Spanish. It was a natural extension to my years as a teacher and my ability to speak the language. BUT, when God called me into Direct Sales (yes, He called me), I was out of my element. Not sure about what to do or how to do it. Was I […]
kingdom building
One LIE keeping you from growing in your faith
Have you heard yourself say, “I wish I could do more for God?” Do you feel guilty that you don’t have the time or the desire to do one more thing (like serve at church)? Do you believe if you are not participating in a church Bible study or class, you cannot grow spiritually? Are […]
A Wise Woman Builds
Each day we are building something. You may be building a business, a relationship, a network, or a family. You may be trying to do it all. The fact is that we as humans crave connection. It is wired into our DNA. We must build things in our lives in order feel fulfilled and live […]