Do you think that Serving God is only for when you are at church? Does volunteering on Sunday mornings, going to outreach projects, and bringing in Christmas boxes the only thing that is really Serving God? As a Business person you have opportunities ALL THE TIME to Serve others. Let’s start with your attitude at […]
Faith Walk
4 Tools for your Prayer-life
Prayer is such an integral part of our Faith-walk, yet, how many of us neglect it because we are not sure what to do, how to do it, and just don’t understand how it works. Is this you? Are you at a loss when it comes to Prayer? Let’s start with some elements of Prayer. […]
REAP the Benefits of Study
My absolute favorite Christian Song is the Revelation Song. Worthy is the, Lamb who was slain. Holy, Holy, is He. . . Do you know it? Since last week we were talking about WORSHIP I thought this song was a perfect transition for the post this week. Did you try the 10×10 Challenge? I would […]
10 x 10 Challenge! 10 minutes/10 days.
Sometimes the simplest things just come to you. That’s what has happened today. Grow From Your Overflow is about teaching you to cultivate practices that will GROW your Faith-life. What better way for me to help you do that than by giving you activities designed to GROW you in your relationship with God. By filling […]
Re-charge your brain power
Heidi Hanna in her book, The Sharp Solution, talks about your heart as the CEO of your body and your brain as the CFO. Because your passion for what you do fuels you it gives you energy, it is your heart. The brain, however, is designed to protect you and keep your body stable. It […]