Do you want to be more organized? Are you looking for ways to accomplish more? Is there a goal that you want achieve? This 8-8-8 Method is for you. Eight goal areas-Eight weeks planning-Eight activities a day. Sound like you want to know more? Forty is a perfect number, right? What can be done in […]
Faith Walk
SMART Planning
We have all heard of SMART Goals, right? Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Trackable. There are other words but these are the ones I think work best. Your goals must meaningful to you. They cannot be any other person’s goals for you. BUT, they also need to be SMART. We have chatted about the 8-8-8 Goal […]
Deciding on Goals
How do I become the Whole, Holy and Authentic Woman God calls me to be? How do I move forward in my life doing the things that are important? How do I stay connected to God first and fill up on Him so that all the other relationships in my life work correctly? 8-8-8 Simple. […]
Imagine your life . . . better
As we look forward to 2017 I am thinking about my vision for more than this next year, but for my entire life. How do I want to live? What do I want my life to look like? I am thinking Bigger than I have ever thought. I am really trying to create a God-sized […]
The Strength of Power Hours
You can do almost anything for 15 minutes, right? I know you can. I have broken down most activities into 15 minute ‘go for it’ type of tasks. This includes laundry, vacuuming, cold calling, and paperwork. I live by the 15-minute-rule. Do you know it? If I can’t do it in 15 minutes, then I […]