Last week I volunteered with my Women’s Group at an Inner-city day camp. We bought, prepared and served lunch for about 100 kids and staff. This weekend I am helping a friend clean up her stretch of the adopt-a-highway that she signed her company up to do. There is also a Summer Serve Project through […]
How do I fit into God’s Kingdom?
Working each day takes a great deal of your time. There is commute time, meeting time, project time, lunch time, more meeting time, and finally, quitting time. AND, though this is the bulk of your day you probably already started your day with breakfast time, lunch prep time, finding homework time, get them off to […]
Spiritual Growth takes a commitment to work. . .
You may be thinking, I have been a believer in Christ for a while now but I don’t really feel any closer to God than when I first made that commitment. You know that growing spiritually is a thing, but maybe you thought it would just happen to you as you become more involved in […]