I have had many different types of coaches over the last 12 years of my entrepreneurial adventure. One thing I have learned is that I can only go so far with a non-believer. What I mean is. . . I learn what I can from those coaches and mentors, but I cannot continue following them because […]
Christian Businesswomen and Entrepreneurs
Design a Simple Business Plan To Monetize Your Genius
I invite you to answer each question below, and then we’ll look at a very simple answer to each one of these questions. Are you allowing worry to take over each time you have a decision to make for your business? Do you have a way to shift and try again when things go sideways? […]
Make Your Entrepreneurial Dream a Reality
You have this pull on your heart to make a bigger impact, and do something that will help others, but it’s just not working out the way you thought it would. Are you the person with that entrepreneurial dream who can’t seem to make it a reality? Do you know God wants you to have […]
Discover Your Superpower And Design The Business Perfect For You
I’ll bet you don’t know your own power. God designed you with a superpower. A superpower you can use to create the perfect business for you. Unquestionably, God broke the mold when He made you. It is true. As a result, you were created to fulfill a specific part of His Story, so He equipped […]
How To Get Unstuck In Your Business and Take It To The Next Level
My Yogi brand tea bag had this to say to me this morning: “Master the unknown by knowing your deep self.” Profound, right? This got me thinking about how unknown your next step can be in your business and how you can get stuck not knowing how to go to your next level. Prefer video? […]