We have all heard of SMART Goals, right? Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Trackable. There are other words but these are the ones I think work best. Your goals must meaningful to you. They cannot be any other person’s goals for you. BUT, they also need to be SMART.
We have chatted about the 8-8-8 Goal System. It is a way of looking at your Goals-Weeks-Days.
There are eight goal areas that complete your entire life. In these eight areas deciding on SMART goals and following through with a plan WILL enhance all the parts of your life. Here are the areas:
- Financial- Earning, Saving & Investing
- Business- Projects, Sales, New Ventures
- Fun Time- Relaxation, Vacation & Rejuvenation
- Health- Physical, Mental or Spiritual
- Relationships- Family, Personal or Business
- Personal- Projects, Purchases or Learning
- Contribution- Charitable, Community or Donations
- Faith- Bible Study, Prayer Time, Retreat
In each category choose one SMALL goal that can be accomplished in the next eight weeks. Do you need an example? That’s easy. Let’s do one of my personal goals. I want to write 1000 words a day for my book (remember, we are building to the goal). There are 40 business days in an 8-week period.
S- Write 1000 words a day for my book.
M- Begin with 100 words a day and add 25 more words per day.
A- Plan time each day to write. Time will increase each day to compensate for amount of words.
R- I want to write a book and this is how I will finish it.
T- I will be up to 1000 words per day by the end of 40 business days. And, will have 23,500 words completed for my book (that’s a Novella already).
The next eight weeks then I can concentrate on writing 1000 words a day and now it is a habit too! Awesome, right?
Do you want to be able to structure your life for more success? Only 3% of the population writes down their goals and then an even smaller percentage actually plan the action steps that make them successful.
Are you looking for help in this area? We need to have a conversation. We need to make this happen for you. I want you to be successful in every part of your life. I want what God wants for you in order to be all He has called you to be in this life. Make life goals!
Be filled to overflowing,
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