Heidi Hanna in her book, The Sharp Solution, talks about your heart as the CEO of your body and your brain as the CFO. Because your passion for what you do fuels you it gives you energy, it is your heart. The brain, however, is designed to protect you and keep your body stable. It controls all your hormone levels and keeps everything regulated. The CFO wants to conserve energy for when you really need it.
We therefore need to keep the brain happy so it gives us what we need to function well during each day. Be nice to your brain by giving it breaks, this not only helps brain function but also supports overall good health. I have not gotten very far into this book but Hanna has described some very basic steps that you can take to Re-charge your brain for optimal performance.
One technique is called the 3 x 3. It is three minutes, three times a day. You have nine minutes in your work day, right? Begin with putting these three small breaks into your calendar. You know how important it is to have TIME to do what you need/want to do. Set your alarm and when it goes off STOP and Re-charge.
Step two is to find a quiet environment. If you cannot physically leave your space then close the door, put in earbuds, or even move into an empty conference room. Do what will help you get quiet. Next, get into a comfortable posture. A good alignment is head over heart and back straight. This can be done in a chair with both feet planted on the floor (you don’t have to get on the floor with crossed legs).
Once you are situated close your eyes and begin to notice your breath. Feel the air coming in through your nose and filling your lungs. Put your attention to the movement of your chest and belly as the air goes in and out through your nose. Begin to count your breaths making them longer and more cleansing. Continue to be aware of the sensation of the air moving through your body. This is giving the much needed oxygen to your brain and Re-charging it while relaxing and resetting your system.
Just doing this exercise will restore you for that part of your day. To deepen the experience Hanna suggests adding Focus Statements, a Visual Aid, and/or Audio Sounds. As I listened to the instructions from the book I was very intrigued about having a Focus Statement to repeat as I breathed. For me it would help to keep my mind free of other thoughts so, I wanted to have a Statement right away.
But what should I concentrate on? What would give me an affirmation but also allow me to deepen my Faith? So I googled it, ‘Affirmations from the Bible’. I ended up with a long list. Choose your Focus Statement for the day or the week. Make sure it is short so you are not worried about memorization or, use it as a Visual Aid and read it. Here are a few to get you started:
- My faith makes me whole in spirit, soul and body.Mark 5:34
- The cross of Christ is my power.1 Corinthians 1:17
- I trust God at all times because he is my refuge.Psalm 62:8
- I am being made holy by God’s truths.John 17:17
The last step in this five-part process is to have a non-judgmental attitude. Don’t think negatively about yourself, repeat the truth from the Bible and believe it. Keep up this practice for one month and see what happens. Keep a journal of each day and look back on it to see where you made improvements.
You may see better focus on tasks at work, you may have more energy at the end of your day, you may begin to lose weight, and you may feel more positive. Notice the little, everyday shifts. Remember, it is the small changes that we do daily that give us the best long-term results.
You are created so uniquely and your brain is the most wonderful instrument in your body. Care for it, protect it, and you will thrive.
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