Join the OIKOS Connection A Household of Women
Imagine how OIKOS. . . a house, the house of God, a household, a family, a spiritual house, a home. . . could play out today with a community of women, believers on a mission, doing business God’s way.
Imagine how a community committed to growing strong in the LORD, finding satisfaction in Him, and boldly sharing Jesus with others can flourish.
A household of believers
Imagine how creating OIKOS for yourself by connecting to this home can help you go deep in God. Also, you’ll gain the enthusiasm to ask others to join you on this Christian adventure.
Imagine a similar space for Christian Women Entrepreneurs where you can feel you are in a household of believers. Part of a family of other women who understand your struggles and want to celebrate your triumphs.
This is the focus God has given me, to create OIKOS so that Christian Women Entrepreneurs understand that we really have ONE mission. Our mission is to show the goodness of God in the marketplace and make disciples.
Imagine having the same focus as the women in the early church.
August 10th from 6:30-8:00 pm ET
OIKOS Connection – the Meeting
Building this OIKOS connection, a household of women has gone slow. In 2021 it started with the Scripture Memorization monthly calendar. In 2022 and 2023, I added four topical Bible Studies throughout the year.
And, now, I want to invite you, Entrepreneurial-Spirited woman, to belong to another OIKOS connection, the Meeting.
On Thursday, August 10th, from 6:30-8:00 pm ET, we will have our next OIKOS Meeting. We will come together online from all over and join together to create OIKOS, a household of women.
There will be time to share stories, converse, learn about a woman from the early church, and break bread together in communion.
I know we can’t share a meal together as the early church did, but we can share our dinner photos once we are in the room.😊
OIKOS is held within the Calling Clarity Community.
Learn more about the community here.
Meet Deneen TB
I am Deneen, your Christian Business Growth Strategist, and Clarity Coach. I am a trained Precept Bible Study teacher and have used the inductive Bible Study method for more than ten years.
The pandemic changed my focus and for these last two years (2021 & 2022) God has used this word, OIKOS, to get me to dig down into what I call my genius zone. These are the things I love doing, the things I am good at doing, and the things that break my heart (how I want to serve.) AND, I ‘get to’ do all this through my business.
What do I love doing? I love learning new things and being the go-to person with the right information.
What am I good at doing? I call myself a synthesizer which means I take things that seem to be unconnected and bring them together to create something unique.
What breaks my heart? Watching women put all the ‘shoulds’ on their shoulders. You know, those, “I should do this; I should do that” when it comes to being the Christian they think they ‘should’ be. I want to help women make life simpler and really have the seamless life they crave. So, my goal is to teach you to serve God through your business. As a result, you can live out the Great Commission.