-If your score is between 105 to 71-
You are in transition and need to SHIFT.
God wants you to get on board right now!
You see that you need to be moving forward, but you are not. You KNOW God has something special for you to do, but you are not doing it. You need a transformation because you realize you are ready for real change. You are seeking what God has for you. You want to go deeper in your faith too. BUT, you are not sure what the right step is and which direction to go. You need to look into what God has given you.
Every experience He has brought you through, and every gift, talent, and ability He has given you needs to be explored so you can have the business (the ministry) He designed for you.
Look for the accountability of a coach who has a directed plan for you. Get into the Calling Clarity program. Understanding how God has created you to do the things He planned for you (Ephesians 2:10) precisely at the point you are at this very moment.
Only through Calling Clarity will you find the group who ‘gets’ you, but you will also find the way to take all those parts of you and create the beautiful mosaic God has called you to be. Only by taking action can you get unstuck and have a real plan to move forward.
-If your score is between 70 to 36-
God has a lot of things for you to do, and you need to focus!
While there is some angst in your thoughts, you need to get out of your head to make the SHIFT.
You know, God has something special for you to do, and you are actively seeking it. In fact, you may be doing too much, trying to keep up with faith and business activities. You need some direction to know that what you are doing is really making an impact.
Take time to focus on what God asks you to do by meeting other women of faith for accountability. You may need to meet with God each day and take time to get away for more extended periods of time. God wants you to slow down, get some direction, and do more for Him without burning out.
Calling Clarity can help you get the focus to know exactly what to take off your plate. You could be doing more for God with just a little direction to keep you on the right path. The path that God has for you.
-If your score is between 35 to 1-
God has given you a job to do!
You are prepared to SHIFT while continuing the work He has given you.
Be the best you can be by creating great habits. Make sure to renew your mind with careful Bible study and times of prayer. Keep up your good work by following the Calling Clarity principles that allow you to know God’s design for you and your business.
Stay diligent as you continue with what God has called you to do and do it well by taking the opportunity to talk to someone to help you keep on the right path. Take advantage of an Extended Power Hour (90-minute session) every once in a while, so you have an ally.
If you have any questions, please email me at deneen@deneentb.com or set up a free 30-minute Clarity Call with me. Simply, (I’m all about the simple things) go to my Calendly account and set up a time for us to chat. I look forward to speaking with you.