Is God pulling on your heart to go in a new direction? To transition into your own business or a new business level? There is fear, I know. But there is a way to overcome your fears with action.
We’ll go over FIVE actions that will help you overcome your fears that may keep you in indecision and carve a clear path to moving ahead with what God is calling you to do now.
Overcome your fears by. . . Embracing the fear
This may sound simple, in a way, but it is truly profound. Most times, fear comes from playing the ‘what ifs’ in your head over and over.
This ‘worry’ is not what God wants for you. Proverbs 12:25 says,
Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.
Let me encourage you by giving you an action you can take to release this fear. It starts with getting everything out of your head. When you have all the problems, scenarios, tasks, and ideas swirling around in your head, it’s hard not to fear, and it seems so BIG.
Brain dump
I have talked about the Brain Dump before, and I know it is best to start there. Then, when you can see the steps required to get you where you want to go when you get it all out in front of you.
There is also another part to embracing fear. . . that is trusting God.
Proverbs 3:5-6 you may know well.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
I remember when God was asking me if I trusted Him with my next step in business. I had been selling faith-based products via home parties. I was trying to make the business my own by adding ‘my teaching way’ to the presentations. So I decided that Christian Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners would be my ‘new ideal clients.’
I remember the fear. I didn’t know if I could do it. I didn’t know what would happen. It was as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff, and God said, “take the step.” It involved spending money and meeting lots of new people and many things I feared.
At the cliff’s edge, I also saw the massive possibilities that were before me (that was scary too). It took me a while to take that first step. God kept urging me by saying, “do you trust Me?” When I finally took the step, I felt God had placed a stepping stone under my foot that kept me from falling off the cliff. I was supported, and I knew my direction.
I also did not do this first step alone. I hired my first coach. Although I had learned all I could learn on my own, I needed outside influence to take the step. This action propelled me to the next level. What do you need to move you to yours?
Overcome fears by. . . Sticking to an idea
If you are reading this, then you have something nagging at you. You have a desire in your heart to be making a more significant impact for God. He is calling you to the next thing He has for you.
You may feel that God has given you a BIG idea. But I have found that God has us start with the small idea, get really good at that, and then move us into the more significant ideas.
It is already overwhelming enough to say YES to God when transitioning into something new. He wants you to succeed. He will help you succeed. But you have to be obedient. So stick with the first idea and work on that until the next thing opens up.
Luke 16:10 spells this out for us,
If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.
This verse talks about your attitudes, responsibilities, money, and stewardship.
This means praying to God (and in your journal) with your idea. It means taking time with God daily to learn more about Him by studying His Word. When you are aligned with God, you are more apt to stick to your one idea and not go after the ‘good’ distractions the enemy places in front of you.
Fear creeps in when we get distracted.
When we think a ‘good’ opportunity is the one we should go after instead of waiting for God’s BETTER opportunity.
How can you stay focused on the first idea? By writing out all the details of what God is showing you (this is why the journal is so important). In business, we have what we call The Business Plan. The elements in this document help you think through and decide how you will proceed.
A trusted mentor or coach can also be a great asset when you overcome your fears and need reassurance you are going in the right direction.
When you stick to your IDEA and flesh it out as much as possible, you will step into God’s calling for you at this time. Although it may not be the entire adventure, and it may just be the start, God is saying, “Trust Me.” You will feel the satisfaction of being in His will when you do.
Overcome fears by. . . Finding your people
Brené Brown calls this your Square Squad. Those most trusted people in your life would be on your side no matter what you do. But that’s only the beginning.
Take a sticky note and write down the five people you consider your’ squad.’ Don’t have five? Write the one or two, then.
But don’t stop there. Make it a point to find your people truly. Find them, take steps to keep them close, and love them hard.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says,
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
And verse 12 tells us,
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
This may mean you follow or get a mentor/coach. It may mean you also connect with a community that understands your struggles and gives advice about how to combat your fears, and teaches you more about what God is calling you to do.
God places people and resources in front of us all the time. Ask Him for the discernment to choose the right places to show up, the communities that will benefit you the most, and the people you need to be connected with so you stay close to Him as you live out His calling.
Overcome fears by. . . Walking away from work
This might be the most challenging part to overcome your fears. The fear that if you are not working 24/7 or not doing ‘just one more thing,’ you will somehow fail at what God is Calling you to do.
Fear takes on many forms, and one of those is anxiety. Studies say that anxiety robs us of energy and sleep. It also makes us panic and keeps negative thoughts in our brains.
When your only focus in your business is to make money, show your status, or prove something to the world, you will be attacked by these anxieties.
You MUST prioritize what God prioritizes.
That means your relationship with Him comes first, your family and closest relationships are next, then the work God has you doing is last.
1 Peter 4:2 tells us what happens when we prioritize in this way. It says,
You won’t spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God.
There are many actions you can take here that will alleviate the fears and anxiety, and they all have to do with not working. Believe me, this works. For many years now, I have taken a Sabbath. It is a 24-hour period each week where I shut down completely to focus on activities that restore me and have a longer time to build my relationship with God.
But, there is also a daily walk-away from work that is necessary. This is what I call the Self-Care part of the Super-8 Day. Create space in your schedule for daily time with God, journaling thoughts, exercising, and listening to music. Do something that will give your brain time to recharge.
When you allow your brain something FUN to do, you come back to your work with new strength. So here’s a little secret- After a Sabbath is my best writing time for my blogs and scripts for my YouTube channel.
Overcome fears by. . . Knowing God’s design of you
Repeat after me- “Why not me?” Say it again.
God is asking you to do something right now that may seem scary, that is new, and that requires a transition.
You can do it. He has created you for it. Ephesians 2:10 says
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
God has planned this time for you to move into the next thing He has for you. Step into a different calling that was part of the ‘good things’ He planned for you. He is waiting for you to obey.
How? By knowing God’s design of you. I have worked with many clients who didn’t see the brilliance God had placed in them because the world has been giving them different messages, they believed, for so long.
Every experience, talent, job, and gift God has given you is essential to where He has you now. He has given you all these pieces of your life to create a Mosaic Masterpiece Business based on His calling for you now.
Do you know how these pieces of you can come together to create your perfect God-centered business? Click here to watch the video to get started.
You can overcome fears by. . . ACTION
God wants you to do this. He has given you the inclination (the pull), He has given you the abilities (the design of you), He has placed this resource in front of you (Calling Clarity), and He has promised to be with you when you step out in obedience (trust Him).
What do you need to take that first step off the cliff? Let’s start with a chat. This is a FREE call to see if Calling Clarity will give you what you need to take ACTION and overcome your fears.
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