You know God is calling you higher, to do something more.
You know God is calling you higher, to do something more, but you aren’t sure what it is or how to get there. We are all trying to reach a place of belonging, acceptance, significance, and satisfaction in our lives. Similarly, we all have dreams, passions, gifts, and talents to share with the world but are overwhelmed or feeling stuck.
It’s a Journey, Not a Destination
I’ve learned that carrying out God’s calling for our life is a journey, not a destination. I invite you to begin your journey to significance and satisfaction with me as your coach and other women in our group for support and masterminding.
I continually meet Christian businesswomen and entrepreneurs striving to build a successful business and are struggling to keep up with the demands of life and a growing a thriving business. Also, I meet women stuck at a crossroads and aren’t sure what God is calling them to do next.
My response to these talented and passionate women is always the same,
I know. I’ve been there. Me too.
As a Christian businesswoman, you may have found that running a God-centered business is lonely, overwhelming, and challenging. Not to mention keeping up with the regular demands of life such as taking care of yourself, your family, and home, trying to serve at church, and growing in faith. We consistently ask ourselves,
How am I supposed to achieve my goals? Why is it so difficult? Why am I so overwhelmed?
If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions and are feeling frustrated, burned out, and stuck –
Let me assure you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Commitment and Community
We’re not meant to do life alone. We all have a deep desire to be loved, valued, and belong. Our community consists of women just like you who want the same things.
First, women who have dreams, gifts, and talents to share with the world. Second, women who want to belong to something greater and do something higher for God. Women committed to personal and professional growth, women who feel “God Is Calling You Higher.” Finally, women who need community and support and wish to offer the same to other women.
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)
Together we can belong, be committed, be valued, and be supported.
I invite you to belong to our community of talented women committed to being successful, growing, and deepening their faith life.
We are women at all different levels of faith and business committed to improving ourselves by partnering with God. No one has “arrived.” We’re all on the journey together. Do you want to come?
Together we will:
- Discover your PURPOSE
- Learn to PARTNER with God
- Connect you to the POWER of the Holy Spirit
- Create a PLAN for your business, and
- Develop new ways for you to PROSPER
5 Ps Coaching & Mastermind Program
I want you to belong to a group of other women who have taken the commitment to grow in faith and fuel their business through the 5 Ps Coaching & Mastermind program.
Here’s How It Works
Coaching and Mastermind
Our group meets online via Zoom for 90-minutes two times a month (except for December, which is one meeting only.)
Each month will have a theme, focusing on teaching and collaborating (see list of monthly topics below. Through coaching and our mastermind collaborative, we’ll apply our knowledge to create the God-centered life and business God planned for you. I will introduce you to Biblical Women Mentors who teach faith and business principles you can apply directly to your own life and business.
Each quarter, everyone gets one “hot seat” time where we focus on you and your journey with one-on-one coaching and masterminding with the group.
Help and Support From Other Talented Women
Our twice a month online meetings provide you with a brain trust of new ideas, different perspectives, and personalized support.
As a result, you’ll have access to a business strategist coach and mastermind consisting of talented women who want to help you break through the places where you are stuck and who will provide you with positive and safe support.
Our community is a safe place and no judgment zone! Our saying is:
We don’t “SHOULD” on each other.
Such as “You SHOULD do this” or “You SHOULD have said this.” Instead, we share and brainstorm ideas from our own experiences.
Uniquely, every month will focus on faith and business strategy themes that will move you forward in your relationship with God, your life, and your business.
Monthly Strategy Themes include:
- Commitment – How to commit to a plan and carry it out.
- Communication – Improve your verbal and written communication skills with your clients and team.
- Consistency – Learn how to show up consistently online and in-person.
- Courage – How to choose courage over comfort face your fears.
- Excellence – How to show up for your clients, going beyond their expectations by over-delivering.
- Influence – Grow your tribe/following and make an impact in your industry.
- Personality – Attract your clients by bringing your uniqueness, even in a saturated industry.
- Planning – Develop strategies that allow you to achieve your goals. Write goals and action plans that are manageable.
- Prioritizing – Create methods that allow you to get things accomplished. Learn the importance of time management and self-care.
- Relationships – Build relationships with clients, influencers, and industry leaders to help your business grow.
- Reputation – Make wise choices that grow your integrity with targeted decision-making strategies.
- Tenacity – Be resilient through the setbacks of entrepreneurship.
God is calling you higher, to be intentional, to learn, and to grow.
Take the journey with a group of other women who are all moving into their Significance and Satisfaction.
The 5 Ps program is a 12-month commitment that you can begin at any time in any month. Decide to be intentional with your time and choose to belong, learn, and grow by discovering your purpose, plan, partner, power, and new ways to prosper.
We will meet online via Zoom on Wednesdays at 11:00 am ET/ 10:00 am CT/ 9:00 am MT/ 8:00 am PT.
For future viewing, all sessions will be recorded.
For more information about joining, schedule a free conversation with me.
I’d love to speak with you about the 5 Ps program! I invite you to set up a free 30-minute Clarity Call with me directly. Find a time that is convenient for you. I look forward to meeting you.