As a believer in Jesus I am sad that we have given away our power. We have God’s own Spirit living inside of each of us and yet we throw up our hands and say, “The world is getting worse. What can we do?”
We can CHANGE the Culture, that’s what we can do. How? By standing up and being counted as Christians in the marketplace. By not segmenting our lives so that we don’t take Jesus with us from the Sunday pew to the Monday workplace. By acting like we are in survival mode instead of on the front line in the fight for the very souls of those around us.
Christ says, “But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:33 Silence is also Denial. Are you silent about WHOSE you are? Are you silent about your FAITH?
The problem with many of us is that we believe in God when it is convenient. We are not really standing on His Truth, instead we are allowing the truth of society to corrupt and persuade us. If we truly believed that God has control of every part of our lives we would not give up so easily when confronted with the issues of the world. We would be Brave and stand up for what we are taught through God’s Word.
There will always be haters no matter what you do. Why not stand on the Truth of Christ in your life and give them a reason to TRY and hate you as you show God’s goodness each day? To live fully as a believer in Jesus you must embrace Him in every part of your life, ESPECIALLY in your Work.
The power of God is displayed when Christians unite and realize they CAN do something to influence the Culture. Where are you working in the Culture? Government, Business, Education, Arts & Entertainment, Economics, Media? YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We can all Make a Difference if we work together.
Live in freedom! Stop following rules and just allow God’s LOVE to come through in all your interactions. Stop trying so hard to do good things, just show God’s GOOD in your life and in the world. Galatians 5:1 “So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.”
We must Connect our Faith to what we do each moment. We must be not only be physically and intellectually connected when we are in our every day activities, but we have to be spiritually connected as well. Do you see God moments in your moments? Do you see opportunities to step into your Truth as you work, play, and interact with the world?
God is CALLING you into His Vision for your life. A Vision of inclusiveness of all your parts. No more segments, no more compartments, no more Silence. Take the Power inside you, God’s Power, and use it to be ALL that He is Calling you to be.
Find out more about Connecting Faith & Business by scheduling a Clarity Session with me. Go to for your 30-minute FREE Session.
Be filled to overflowing,
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