Do you feel that pull on your heart from God to do something more than you currently do? Is there an almost nagging feeling down inside that you could make such a bigger impact doing something different?
Many times, God uses our circumstances as a catalyst for change. Have any of these things happened recently (externally or internally) that have made you think, “What is God asking me to do next?”
- You feel the need to get out of corporate (your career/job)
- You lost your job or position
- You had to close your existing business
- You got sick and couldn’t work full-time anymore
- You want a business for yourself after working for/with someone else
- You decided to stay home with your kids
When you are in this type of transition, it can be challenging to get out of the trap of indecision. Every choice seems to be a good one, and you’re unsure which direction to go. The possibilities seem endless.
I have found four factors that can keep you inside the trap of indecision:
- Fear
- Lack of clarity
- Too many interests
- Too much outside influence.
Let’s look at these four factors and give you the solution for each so you can get out of the trap of indecision, move in the right direction, and have the God-centered business you desire.
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Fear Trap
The one thing all the women I have worked with have in common is fear. Fear that they will make the wrong decision and not be in God’s Will.
You’ve heard about the big fears before: the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and even the fear of success. Each of these fears is rooted in how life will be different.
Fear of failure means you are worried about making mistakes and being judged for your actions and decisions. Fear of rejection is really fear of people and making sure you please them so you don’t do anything that could mess that up.
And then, fear of success points to the changes (for the better) that will happen but ultimately terrifies you because it takes you outside your comfort zone.
Focus on God in prayer
The first part of the solution is to focus on God in prayer. God speaks to us through His Word and our thoughts. What I love about having a journal is seeing patterns of what God is showing me.
I don’t journal in the traditional sense of the word with long sentences. Instead, I use color, make lists, doodle ideas, and pour my heart out to God. Once you see patterns emerging, you can be sure that God is telling you something.
Many times women tell me they are waiting to “hear from God.” That is not biblical. As long as it is in obedience to what the Bible says and you stay close to God as the CEO, then you can trust that He is guiding you to do His Will and remain in His Will.
Smash through your limiting beliefs
The second part of this solution is to stop “working through” your limiting beliefs and start to smash them by doing the work. God has got you! He has equipped you to do the work He has given you to do.
You are to do what you know is best and trust God for the results. I see too many women limiting themselves because they lack confidence. Get on board with God-fidence. Trust that He is putting the right resources and people in front of you to learn those things you don’t know.
Your equipping, experiences, expertise, talents, strengths, and giftings are the super-sauce to creating the right business for you and having the impact you want to make.
Don’t stop to work on something that God has already given you all the tools to overcome. Instead, stay in His Word, and learn more about Him and your position in Him.
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23 NLT
You are working for ONE. That should be the focus. Fear is smashed by moving ahead and doing the work. As an entrepreneur, you must be willing to try-fail-regroup-try again. The more you do this; the more fear will go away.
Decide to move forward with the plan you think is best right now.
Lack of clarity trap
Fear is one thing, but when a lack of clarity accompanies it, there is a more complex trap. You get lost in your ideas when you are alone trying to do anything. That swirl starts to happen, and it feels overwhelming and confusing.
There is no exact strategy to know HOW to figure out what God is calling you to do. But, without support (and a plan), you can find yourself in a cycle of trying different things and never getting any of them to work.
Many women have this “build it, and they will come” mentality. So they think, and maybe you have been there too, “I know how to do this, so I’m going to build the program, build the website, build a marketing campaign, and get clients. . . only to hear crickets when they launch. Has this happened to you?
Do a brain dump
The solution to clarity comes when you first get the swirl out of your head by doing a brain dump.
Then the solution is to focus on the people you want to serve. I know you want to help as many people as possible with your brilliance. However, if your ideal client statement starts with “anyone who,” you have no focus, and no one will hear your message.
The Flywheel method, created by Jim Collins, focuses on your ideal client from the beginning of your creative process. You cannot build a program or business if you do not know how to serve best those you want to help.
And the best way to do that is to ask them. In Calling Clarity, we start you immediately, building relationships with your potential ideal clients through social media engagement, personal messages, and calls.
You see, the idea of the Flywheel is to put the client at the center of all you do and build around the knowledge you gain from them.
Where there is clarity, there is freedom. In working with women, I have seen the AHAs over and over again when they talk to their potential ideal clients, work through these connection exercises, and understand God’s design of them to solve their clients’ problems.
Too Many Interests Trap
Another place where you get stuck in the trap of indecision is not knowing what you want to do for a business. God has gifted you with many talents, abilities, and strengths. As a result, all your interests (that could be turned into a business) are whirling in your mind.
Trying to make sense of how ALL those pieces fit together can keep you feeling defeated because you can’t figure out what it means and what God wants you to do with them.
I recently talked with a new client about her bookkeeping/VA business. She also mentioned she was the president of her district little league association, and she also loved the back end of the business and had done this for an Herbalife Nutrition Club.
I asked her what broke her heart. Who did she see needed her help? She said it was the service-based, small businesses in her area. You know: plumbers, electricians, mechanic shops, etc., she wanted to make things better for them.
As we continued to work through the exercise, she realized she had a lot to offer in the areas of organizing, streamlining, and supporting as well as the financial piece of business through her bookkeeping services.
Put the pieces together to create your best solution
The solution for when you have many interests is not to add them to your menu of services. Instead, it is to separate and pull in the pieces that will serve you best for the solution you are best equipped to provide.
Getting out of the trap of indecision means getting out of your head. Finding support and help to examine all your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities and adopt strategies that bring out these pieces of you.
It is a process of discovery that will give you focus and confidence, God-fidence, that you are on the right path.
I call my method the Mosaic Masterpiece Model. Your life comes in many pieces, and understanding how to take only the parts necessary to create the business God wants for you is what I help you assemble.
Ready to bring together your pieces to create something new and beautiful, your perfect business? Let’s have that chat.
Too much outside influence trap
Another problem or trap of indecision I see is this outside influence, otherwise known as distractions. As a Christian woman, I know you want to do “all the good things.” However, I see women doing too much. Are you trapped in this type of thinking:
- I should do this
- I better do that
- I have to say YES to. . .
You cannot get clarity and focus when you are involved in too many things. And honestly, you are driving yourself to ruin. But, unfortunately, that is precisely where the enemy wants you. Too tired, too spent, and to do what God wants you to do.
We also get trapped by listening to too many people, doing things their way, or following another’s blueprint. Again, distraction. The enemy would love for you to continue trying the good stuff you see and not find the best thing God has designed for you.
Take things off your plate so you can focus
The first step in the solution here is to allow yourself to take things off your plate so you can serve God through your business. That means you don’t have to be on every committee, do “all the things,” and be involved with every event. Instead, God has called you to serve your ideal clients by solving their problems, do that to the best of your ability.
The second step is to focus. Focus on God’s calling for you, how He has designed you and how you can serve the best. Stop making all the tiny splashes all over the big lake and start bringing together all your skills, talents, gifts, and experiences to create the deeper impact you want to make.
Get out of the trap of indecision
In Calling Clarity, we have a saying: “Fly the plane as you are building it.” For me, that means I trust God for the results. I don’t have to have all the “ducks in a row” to decide and move forward.
It means I can do it because I have God-fidence, confidence that I am in His Will, doing what He has called me to do, and am on the right path.
There is a satisfaction that wells up inside you when you know you are doing exactly what God is calling you to do, and you can see your impact on others when you live it out.
Is every day easy and full of fun? Unfortunately, no. Some days are frustrating, and it takes lots of hard work to have a business.
But do I want to get up every day and do it? Yes. Why? Because I have put my Mosaic pieces together to create my perfect business, one that keeps me energized, one that God planned specifically for me.
Get out of the trap of indecision by getting focused. Ask God in prayer for discernment to get over your fear. Talk to those potential ideal clients you want to serve to get clarity. Work through your Mosaic pieces so you can make wise choices. And, let go of all those ‘shoulds’ to move in one direction as you transition from where you are to where God wants to take you.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us best,
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Get out of the trap of indecision and do the next ‘good thing’ God has planned for you.
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