Choosing WHAT you will do for your business and choosing HOW you will do it requires different thinking. The WHAT can be as easy as the pull God has on your heart, the things you are really good at, or the job you are already doing. The HOW is where you get to shine in your unique way.
Let’s chat about my expertise experiences and I pray you have some AHA Moments for yourself.
I have been in drama since elementary school. I LOVE being on stage and being backstage. I have been an actor, a singer, a director, and a writer. The theatre is a FUN place for me to be. I am energized by practicing drama games and by the applause of the audience.
When I think through what God is calling me to do in my business I see the drama gene coming through. I am a purpose coach who really thrives on stage by giving motivational talks. I am comfortable taking people through a process whether in a workshop, a lecture hall, or an auditorium. My drama gives me confidence, presence, and ability to show up uniquely. (I also like to do exercises with my audience so they can have FUN too.)
When you played ‘teacher’ with your friends or siblings growing up, Were you the teacher? I have been teaching since I can remember. I perfected this skill in college by getting a degree. God sometimes calls us to do things that come easily. I know He did that for me. Little did I realize how transferable this skill is from the elementary classroom to adult business people.
One area I LOVE is curriculum development (nerd, I know). I get a real kick out of creating something NEW. My Calling Clarity Course is my newest thing and I am super-excited about it. One of my values in Challenge. Creating NEW things and implementing them is definitely a challenge. It is also one of my Strengths. Funny how God uses what He has given you and me naturally to show up uniquely in our businesses.
The choice of a Christian college was not my first (just being honest). God orchestrated that, not me. I studied more Bible in college than most because it was Christian. I had also been a student of the Bible throughout my schooling through quizzing (you know, study the Bible and then compete against others). BUT, knowledge of the Bible and application are two separate things. God has asked me to apply His Word is unique ways to my target audience, Christian Business Women.
Creating a business focused around the Bible is unique. Showing others what God wants them to do with their business is an honor (and somewhat scary). My slogan is Connecting Faith & Business. God has chosen me to bring this unique message to Women, my ideal clients. Having the knowledge and being a serious student of the Bible has introduced me NEW ways to interact with the text. The insights I have been able to pull from the historical characters of the Bible confirms to me how ALIVE God’s Word truly is.
Pulling it Together
I have a coaching business, and it is unique. I want to stand out from all the other ‘coaches’ out there. AND, I have discovered just what makes me show up in a unique way to my ideal clients. No one else has the unique combination of skills that I have. You are the same. When I got serious, I looked back over my life and asked God to show me how my expertise could make me stand out the way He wanted.
What business is God Calling you to do or has you already doing? Is it in a saturated industry? Or, Are you educating people in a new area? HOW can you show up differently?
Examine your life and PULL from it those unique skills you LOVE and that have been part of your life over and over again. Don’t filter yourself. The quirkiest knowledge will lead to creating your Unique Value Proposition (what you bring that no one else does). In fact, that is HOW you will make your business stand out and be special.
God really does give you the desires of your heart. He places you in the business uniquely designed for you. He gives you all the skills you need to do it well. AND, He uses ALL the parts of your life to bring your business into the world exactly as He wants it. You just need to take the step and trust Him.
Are you excited, and a little scared? Let me help you discover your HOW based on the WHAT God has given you. Contact me to set up a 15-minute discovery session.
Be filled to overflowing,
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