Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.
So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
God has called us to run the race. Are you running well? Are you ‘training’ to improve your business and life? Are you working ‘on purpose’ to show His goodness and share Jesus with others in the marketplace?
Recently I have been looking at the benefits of Personal Mastery Training (a.k.a., self-discipline). I have come up with twenty benefits that you can achieve that will give your life more significance and satisfaction. Paul reminds us, in the verse above, that we are to have the mind of an athlete and use our bodies; heart soul, mind, and strength, to do what God is asking us to do.
The five areas
There are five things to look at when you are trying to create a God-centered business and life: purpose, partner, power, plan, and prosper.
Purpose means God has created you to do something in a unique way. He designed you to be part of HIStory and you are here at this time in history to live it out. He has planned many ‘good works’ for you. Right now, He is calling you into business. Use what you have learned to fuel the next thing He is asking your to do.
Partner means placing God as the CEO of your life and business. Only by aligning with Him can you be successful. He wants you to have focus in doing those ‘good works’ He planned for you by getting things off your plate and having more focus.
Power means accelerating your spiritual growth. Through the study of God’s Word and prayer you can have intimacy with God and know what it is He is asking you to step into. Only when you first have the vertical relationship right, can you hope to have the vertical relationships working in your favor.
Plan means examining your beliefs. God doesn’t want you to just do random things. He wants you to use all the tools and resources He has provided to be the best you can be. He wants to use your business as your way to serve Him. Only when you can create forward movement can any of this happen.
Prosper means living in God’s blessing. He wants you to be more like His Son, Jesus. God is on your side and He will give you exactly what you need to feel His peace and trust in Him. It is not always about monetary gain but about personal and relational gain as well.
The four benefits in each area
Purpose. God created you uniquely to do the ‘good works’ He planned for you (Ephesians 2:10). When you understand your purpose, you are positioned to know what you ‘should’ be doing. Knowing your purpose allows you to align your priorities, remove any guilt, perform better, and feel fulfilled.
Partner. God wants you to align with Him for your success. You can only do this by spending time with Him. Bible study and prayer are essential for this. By partnering with God, you are able to raise your standards, build personal character, express authentic gratitude, and deepen your faith-life.
Power. God gives you the Holy Spirit to be with you and guide you. He is God’s presence inside of you. He will help you to do the right thing, take the right steps, and feel God working through you. By accessing this power, you resist temptation, overcome obstacles, develop tenacity, and gain self-control.
Plan. God has a plan for you, and He wants you to plan carefully for it. You are in business to serve God by serving others. Your business exists to solve someone’s problem. Planning allows you to save time, be focused, clarify goals, and complete tasks.
Prosper. God intentionally gives you the peace you are desperately seeking. His blessings come in many forms and they are always exactly what you need. When you are working in His will to prove you are one of His chosen (2 Peter 1:10) you will succeed. You start to prosper by eliminating stress, boosting your health, improving relationships, and generating more happiness.
The answer is personal mastery training
God has equipped you to be successful in your business. The question is. . . Do you know how to grow your business by first growing your faith?
I continually meet Christian businesswomen and entrepreneurs like you who are striving to build a successful business and are struggling to keep up with the demands of life and a growing a thriving business. In addition, I meet women who are stuck at a crossroads and aren’t sure what God is calling them to do next.
The 5Ps to Significance and Satisfaction include looking at how you are viewing your service to God, understanding how God has designed you uniquely, accelerating your faith growth, knowing that by aligning with God you will focus on what He wants for you, and then prosper in many areas as you enjoy His blessings.
The personal mastery training and all its benefits are inside the 5Ps Program as you learn more about God and His specific calling for you. I’ve learned that carrying out God’s calling for my life is a journey, not a destination. Imagine a program that allows you to have Coaching, Masterminding, and Faith-growth all at the same time. Grow your faith and fuel your business.
I invite you to begin your journey to significance and satisfaction with me as your coach and other women in our group for support and masterminding.
Sign up today and start enjoying the benefits of Personal Mastery.
Be filled to overflowing,
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